One with you

Gideon is falling in love with you, It was one of the easy thing that he could do. Couldn't beleive that it has had so quickly completely.

Marrying  him was a dream that came true. You might say that staying marry to him was a fight of her life. Life has transformed in so many ways. As both are  refuge from the storm and the most voilent of tempests. 

Two damabes souls that entwine as one. They have shared their deep dark secret with eachother.  s Gideon looks in the mirror and reflect of all the flew she has, with all the beauty tht I could not see.  He has given her everything,

Now they have to prove that I can be the rock. As the shelter for him that she is for me. Together they can stand up what works to get them apart. But our  greatest batter of life may lay within their vows, that give them strength.

Being committed in love was the beginning, fighting for it gave them the free or break us apart.  It is a beautiful romantic love story that  fell in love all over again for a new beginning, living up to their vows is so important in any couple should have. 

4. stars


  1. Anonymous1/02/2023

    I haven’t book shopped much this past year because I’m constantly pulled into working most weekends. But this sounds like a really good option to look into buying! Thanks so much for sharing!

    -Whitney Stewart

  2. Always looking for new books to add to my reading list.

  3. This sounds like a great book. I'm looking forward to reading more this year, so I'll be putting this one on my list.

  4. I love to read and this is one I need to add to my list!

  5. I love romances! I'll have to check out this one!

  6. This seems like a great book. Would love have a read.

  7. Sounds like an interesting romance novel and like it goes from tepid to intense, might check it out!

  8. Seems like a decent book. I'm not a big fan romance, but it sounds good for those who do like it.

  9. Love stories are always the best! I love this one!

  10. Sounds like a relatable book when it comes to romance, and renewing your love for one another.

  11. it seems like a beautiful love story I must check it out. thanks for sharing this with us.

  12. Richelle Milar1/03/2023

    This sounds like a really great and interesting book to read. Thanks for sharing this with us can’t wait to check this out!

  13. I haven't read a good love story in a while. This sounds like a good one. -LYNNDEE


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