Catching fireflies


When bullying threatens to destroy a teen's life.  When painful  memories surface for  a dedicated high school teacher laura and pediatrician Jc. Along with the support of Sweet Magnolias as the bring the town together to ensure the promising student's future wasn't ruined.

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To established once and for all that Bullying does not  belong in Serenity. As Laura and Jc passion for the cause a deepest personal as their love started to grow for eachother. And their feeling for eachother are getting stronger and stronger.

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With so many secret to overcome Can these vulnerable couple love be strong enough to find true happiness again.   As I was thinking about the tory, it reminded me of what I am struggling with. I to wonder if I can find true love and find true happiness as well.  

5 stars


  1. I've enjoyed watching the tv series so I know I will enjoy this book.

  2. The title of this book brings back summer memories as a kid. I loved catching fireflies.

  3. This sounds like a great read. I'll definitely look out for it :)

  4. I love the Sweet Magnolias TV series so much! I think I have the first 4 or 5 books on my shelf but I haven't gotten around to reading them yet. Thanks for sharing this :)

  5. Sounds like a very intriguing book I need to get my hands on! Don't lose hope, you will find your person!

  6. It was an amazing story that I have read, The story I could relate to and still was wondering if the couple was going to be happy again.

  7. I would love to read this book if I had the chance. It sounds like an interesting read.

  8. Amy Liu Dong12/09/2023

    Such a catchy book title and I am pretty sure that it has a beautiful story.

  9. Gervin Khan12/10/2023

    This sounds like a great book for me to read. I am going to check this out!

  10. This sounds like an exciting story to read. Excited to know the ending. -LYNNDEE

  11. Bullying is such a big issue for teens and people of all ages. Definitely makes this relatable.

  12. This storyline seems incredibly powerful and heartfelt. Laura and Jc's commitment to fighting against bullying in Serenity and their blossoming love is a beautiful portrayal of strength and resilience.


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