Surprised by Oxford


A girl meets God, Stylish memoir of agnostic, who surprised her with an opportunity to study in Oxford, It come  to a dynamic personal faith in God. Carolyn arrives for the gaduate studies at Oxford University  she majored in Feminist from a broken and love family, suspicious of men, hostal of things in all regi;ious.

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She was grapping to all god shaded void alongside friends,classmates, and the professior that she meets. As she tackles big questions in searching for love, along with a life that matters as well.  The savvy and beautiful writing of the author, The incrediable account of  christain conversation  that follows  the calanedars of events.

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Of the school year, as it entertains, informs, and promises to engage even those that were skeptical  and unlikely the readers.    Years  later a major motion picture was created of the story.  I feel the love of this story.  That has been examining my life as well.

5 stars


  1. This sounds like an interesting book. I will have to add it to my reading list.

  2. Thanks for the review. On my list of books to check out and read.

  3. I have not heard about this story but it sounds very interesting!

  4. i just watched the movie. Now I need to read the book.

  5. I recently saw a post about the movie and usually the books are much better, I'll have to check it out!

  6. LisaLisa11/18/2023

    Interesting story! I’m going to check this one out, I love a good read!

  7. Angela Ricardo Bethea11/18/2023

    That sounds like a wonderful book to check out and it's been a while since I read books too.

  8. I haven't wtch the movie, But the book was so amazing and the story kept me reading more and more, I wanted to learn about character.

  9. This sounds like a nice book to read. I am going to check this out!

  10. i have been seeing a lot about the movie and so think this will be great for doing a book and movie event..

  11. Zab Zaria11/18/2023

    It sounds like a really good book. This is always something I enjoy reading.

  12. It's remarkable how Carolyn's journey from agnosticism to a profound faith unfolds at Oxford, and I'm eager to delve into the dynamics of her personal transformation.

  13. Now I know what book to buy for my daughter's Christmas gift! Thank you for the review!

  14. I am for sure adding this book to my bucket list! I am slash looking for a new good read!

  15. Jenn @ EngineerMommy11/20/2023

    Im always happy to checkout new books. This one sounds like a great one for the beach!

  16. This sounds like an exciting book to read. I will have to grab me a copy. -LYNNDEE

  17. I have read about this story and it has always raised my interest I think this should be great as well

  18. That's very interesting that they made a film of it. This sounds like an interesting read. Thanks for sharing :)

  19. I will have to add this one to my list. It sounds like an interesting adventure about Oxford.

  20. Huge Christian literature lover here! I'd love to give it a read, it sounds right up my alley!!

  21. As someone who has always been interested in the intersection of academia and faith, Carolyn's story sounds like a compelling read. The aspect of her coming from a background of skepticism towards finding a personal faith amidst the intellectual rigors of Oxford is particularly captivating to me.

  22. This is an inspiring read that has a special meaning that come from a well written story. Thanks for sharing it with us.


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