The Ghost of flight 401


It doesn't take a whimry  for a gaint airline go to the ground a multmillion dollar jumbo jet. When  the renowned investagator  a writer John G. fuller has stubbled  upon  was a jet age ghost story.  the crew wouldn't fly the plane Before the reappearing apparitions of the death of the pilot  and the  flight engineer.

From  a crash of the sister ship.  It was the famed lockheed trister; the first jumbo jet ever to crash in Florida Everglades, with the loss of 101 persons. As they investigation continued in to amazing story, Not only the author is repeating eyewitness experience of the dead men's reappearence before flight crew.

As his own personal conviction of spiritual immortality, of life after death.  The author book is full of true life supsence Triller, After the classic recontruction of the mysterious crash. The author was ale to score an interiew  of the airline flight personel and explore every fauct of every ghost report.

Author was skeptical who had been writting with professional thoughness on both scientic subject and subject on the frontier of life. Author has uncovered starling evidence of contact with the  death of the flight engineer Dan Repo.

A spine Tingling persuable with implications of spiritual realities that are increasing interested in today world of ever more extraordinary scientic Breakthrough.   Years later the ghost of flight 401 was made in to a tv movie of a true story that has alot of meaning to story as well.

3 stars


  1. This sounds like an interesting book, that has an amazing story behnd it. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  2. This book looks very interesting! I definitely need to check this out.

  3. This sounds very interesting! I will have to look for this book. Thanks!

  4. This sounds like an intriguing book. I need to add this to my list.

  5. Looks like an interesting book although I have a flight coming up so not sure I want to read it before that. Lol!

  6. I have a fear of flying so I better not read this book. It would scare me even more.

  7. Sounds interesting. The only reason I probably wouldn't choose this is a fear flying!

  8. This sounds interesting and I always enjoyed ghost stories growing up and this book sounds like it may be a good one for me. Thanks for sharing!

  9. sounds like a thrilling read for sure.. will keep an eye for this ghostly book!

  10. Your review intrigued me, and I love a good spine-tingling read. The mix of a jet age ghost story and the investigation into the crash sounds like a captivating journey.

  11. Anonymous11/17/2023

    I enjoy ghost stories, so would love to read this book! Thanks for the review ❤️

    Everything Enchanting :)

  12. I wish that I had the time to read. But I work 40-50 or more hours a week. Plus, run my blog. I’d love to check out this book.

  13. Reading your review of 'The Ghost of Flight 401' has piqued my curiosity about this haunting tale of a jumbo jet's ghostly apparitions. Definitely adding this book to my must-read list!

  14. This sounds like my kind of book. I love a good thrill type book, especially when it involves ghosts or ghost stories.

  15. This book sounds really interesting. I love to read book that are based on true stories.

  16. Nikki Wayne7/04/2024

    This book sounds amazing, I can see that the storyline is great and many people can relate to it.

  17. Sounds quite interesting! I like finding some unique books that aren't the usual topics.

  18. Anonymous7/07/2024

    Sounds like an interesting read. I love books with excitement!


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