The Poseidon Adventure


Was on a  luxuary ocean liner Poseidon is cap sized by a massive undersea earthquake.  There was just an handful of Survivor's must be fighting for there lives.  They were struggling to make it from the upper deck of the ship to the hull.

This was the park above water before the ship was going to sink. They were faces with the voilences, along with the rising water, from the desperate passageners and crew.  They had to work together and do everything that they can to survive.  Before times runs out. 

Then it was adapted into a  world winning film by Irwin  Allen.   It one of the trilling adventure will timeless suspense,  with the excitement the author portrayed, in the story along with the character as well.  

I have watched the move, and I have read the book, I could see alot of simuliarity in the story  and with the twist that came along with it.  I would love to read the sequal.  

3 stars 


  1. I need to read this. I did watch the movie and was freaked out!

  2. I am trying to remember if I saw the movie! I will have to read the book, then watch the movie!

  3. I've watched the movie a few times but didn't realize it was a book. I'll have to check it out!

  4. I have heard of the movie and want to see it. I think reading the book will be better.

  5. I love that you share book ideas to help others. This one sound pretty neat! I will have to check it out.

  6. Having experienced both the movie and the book, I appreciate the similarities in the story and the intriguing twists that came along with it.

  7. This sounds like it would be a very suspenseful book to read and I'll have to add it to my list!

  8. Oh, I need to add this book to my list. I saw the movie numerous times and loved it, so I know the book has to be great also.

  9. Richelle Milar10/31/2023

    I want to read and watch this! The story sounds so interesting.

  10. Anonymous10/31/2023

    I haven’t watched the movie or read the book but now want to do both - vidya

  11. I remember watching the movie! I was on the edge of my seat for most of it!

  12. Havent seen the movie but but really want to read the book ow, sounds interesting!

  13. This is the type of book that my son would love! Can be an awesome Christmas gift!

  14. This sounds so interesting, I have to add it to my future reading list. Thanks for sharing it.

  15. Zab Zaria11/01/2023

    I would love to read this book if I had the chance. It sounds like an interesting read.

  16. I remember watching this movie and reading the book in High School. Great write up- if you are on the fence, definitely make this your next read!

  17. Rose Ann Sales11/02/2023

    I surely will read this book, it is very interesting.

  18. Rose Ann Sales11/02/2023

    This is interesting book, I sill read it.


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