Reflexing on books in 2024

As we step into a new year, Taking some time  reflect on books  that you have read along with the amazing stories that you have discovered. All the amazing authors that you discovered as well.  Join me in reflexing on book that have moved me also inspired me, to keep reading.

Setting the tone for another year of incredible reading.

The Tale of Despereaux :

Welcome  to the story of a mouse that loves music, with the story of the princess, Name Pea.  There is the story of Rocuro, who lives in a dark place that  covets,  a world that is filled with light. As the story of Miggery Sow, a slow witted service girl that harbor a secret wish About the three character start their journey that lead them down into the dungeon, up the in glittering  castle, and ultimately into each other lives Still wanting to know what happen?  To the reader's it it your destiny to find out?

Silver Bells:

In the air the feeling of Christmas, so Settle in your comfy chair or reading notch an enjoy four different tales that will make your holiday  merry and bright.  Your years later the actress Amy Lee wonders what would it be like, if she would  leave her shadow hollywood life and go back home in Apple Valley, Pennsylvania. She plans this christmas to find out. Ander and Hank, Her High school Boyfriend are ready to give her the welcome that she would never forget.

A Real Prince:

A man who happened to be a prince. Stephino is the heir to the throne of his country and he's comes to America in search of a bride. A wealthy bride  who can help His country out of financial ruin. But the woman that he is actually are wanting would be hope. that has nothing more to offer him just their love.   Are you still wondering if the prince would give up his throne for the woman that he love. 

Have you heard of these book or did you every read these book?  Leave your reply in the comment  section. 


  1. Reading is the best! I'll keep the books you mentioned in mind. I make sure to read daily.

  2. The Tale of Despereaux is one of my daughter's favorite books from when she was younger. I'll have to check out the other books. I haven't been reading nearly as much as I would like.

  3. I want to read the Real Price book. I do love books by this author.

  4. These look like some great reads and this year I am king an effort to read more as I really did not read as much as I would have liked last year. Reading is so therapeutic for me and and I am checking some of these titles out to get me started on my reading agenda for 2025 ;)

  5. Anonymous1/07/2025

    I have been inspired to read again, these all sound like great books

  6. i loved The Tale of Desperaux(read it with my kids) and while i have not read the other two books, i do love both those authors..

  7. This is a great assortment of books to start 2025 off with. They all seem like nice reads!

  8. These are great book recommendations. The book cover of Silver Bells caught my attention and the plot sounds interesting!

  9. These are amazing book recommendations, that have inspiring to read again.


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