Tips to get you reading more books

 You wish that you would have more time to read.   Most people like us are wishing  they could read more books.  It can be very hard to find the time to select the perfect book to read, when there is so many things that is grabs your attention.

Your still wondering how you could fix time to read in your busy schedule? I have found some tips that would help your read more book through out the year.  That I would love to share with you.

1.  Setting aside some time to read every day:

One of the best ways to help you read more  to schedule some time everyday,  Set Aside to read this special book of your choosing.  So your still wondering how much time to set aside? so that you can dedicate 30 minutes of your time to read, which makes a difference as well.  Most important that you curve out some time and sticking to that schedule.

2. Always take a book with you:

Is a great way  make sure that you take advantages of downtime you personally have, Or that you can dedicate to it.  It is so important to have a book in your car, even in your nightstand,  You many love books, it doesn't mean that you should crack a new book every second.

It would be best that setting a time you would be able to get more reading done.  But you might have to sacrifice some of the extra activities such as tv, or even social media as well.

3. reading a variety of books:

You have a  few hours dive into a long book. On the other time you're so tired  to do anything else just to dive in to a chapter. By picking an easy book, Which you are so tired to even focus  only want to relax with an nice storyline.

By reading an variety of books you would be able choice something that you are in the mood to read. It would be less likely to get stuck in a reading rut , By having a variety of books to read will keep you interested .

4. Don't focus yourself to finish a book;

Not finishing a book it sounds like you are abandoning it. Or you might feel defeated.  You don't have to beat yourself up.  But if you are wanting to read more.  Sometime The abandonment is some thing critical to do.

By Abandoning books that are bad, so that you would be able to read more books that you are going to love. 

5.: Realizing that it not you. It's might be the book:

Learning how to trust your taste If this is something that you are wanting as a effected reader. Your taste keeps getting you stuck will all the bad books which guide you to purchases books.  Then the doubts start creeping in when  you are thinking about quit reading books


  1. I love your tips! I always read. I make sure I set time to do it daily since I love it so much. I hope more people start to read!

  2. I absolutely love to read. I try my best to set time away each day to read too. Usually at least an hour if possible.

  3. I find reading on my phone the easiest. I’ve got a book that I need to read but never have time these days. I work full time and blog at night.

  4. I am loving these tips for reading more and I need to make time each day to do a bit of reading. That is a fantastic idea and a great way to get to some amazing books that I have been wanting to read.

  5. Lavanda Michelle12/17/2024

    It’s okay to put it down and move on if it’s not working for you. And yes, sometimes it’s the book, not you! Trusting your taste is so important. Thanks for the reminder!

  6. catherine12/17/2024

    Great tips! I still love reading a physical book rather than the digital one. I always bring my book for me not to forget to read it.

  7. I absolutely love reading! At any given time I'm always working on SEVERAL books at one time hahaha. Love these tips though!

  8. I love reading, I have been reading for many years, I can say that I have so many books. I love these tips as well.

  9. Last year I had vowed to read more books and didn't meet my goal. These are great suggestions and I'm going to try to set aside time to read daily in the evening.

  10. I have gotten away from reading because of being too busy, too much work, etc. I would like to implement some of these things and see if I have luck with reading on a regular basis.

  11. I loved reading as a kid but now I dont read much. These are good tips to help me read more.

  12. I, love reading as a child, over the years I have gotten off track, but using some of these tips I will be able to start reading again.

  13. Anonymous3/11/2025

    Finding time to read can be tricky, but small changes really make a difference in building the habit.

    Everything Enchanting ❤️


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