Sweet revenge

  Are you Pulling a fast one?  Not on the Sisterhood's watching.  There are some thing that Ladies can't overlook just doing there one friendly Dirty was on top of their list.  that was the mission of the Sisterhood,  It is made of up  of seven women who would do anything for the clan.

Making a wrong a right. As Isabelle  has definitely has been done wrong. As one of her colleague Rosemary done everything in her power to ruin  Isabelle as framing her to be the terrible drunk driver accident to  steal her fiancĂ© and her architecture firm.

 Now Isabelle 's formally loved life was  tattered, while Rosemary scooped up the spoils, It was enough to make any friends while their  blood was boiling. As Rosemary may have thought  she was flying high. she was about to tangle with the sisterhood.

So when the sisterhood is on the case, revenge is at a swift, oh it is so sweet, and delicious to. This  was a beautiful story, which I love what the sisterhood is all about.  And how they stick together.  This is an amazing story, that is worth reading as well.  This author is one of my favorite .

5 stars


  1. A romance and thriller title! The author, Fern Michaels, is new to me..
    Will check her out when I venture to recent international books, thanks!

  2. It has been many years since I read a Fern Michaels book. This sounds like an interesting book to check out. I think this would be good for my next trip.

  3. I don't remember if I have read anything from this actor before, but this book sure makes me interested in their other work. I will be sure to check out this book as it seems very good to read!

  4. This one sounds so interesting, I must check it out. Fern Michael is one of the best author that I have ever read.

  5. I love Fern Michaels but has been a while since I read her .. not sure if I read this one though


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