Christmas Everlasting

 Single Mother  Hester really didn't have time for the holidays. Between settling in her new apartment and chasing her nine year old boy Radley.  She is starting to become  the pressure trying to have it all together. So her neighbor  the Comic  writer Mitch has offer to watch Radley for the afternoon.

As Hester reluctantly accepted.  Mitch was a stranger after all even when her was generous, which he had an connection with her son.  Hester finding herself relying on Mitch, and even worse, admitting to her that he was finding  a way into her heart.

All that he wanted for Christmas,  was wanting to change her life from the fast pace of Manhattan, Nell moved to a small town of Taylor Grove, Maryland. To Revamp his Music program.  The Sweet students identical six year old  Zeke and Zack Taylor have stole her heart.

Although she couldn't say the same for her  brooding father Mac. A single parent Mac firmly believes that any relationship could distract him from raising her sons.  Little that he knows that  Nell is exactly what his are wanting for Christmas.  As they wish for a mother for a very long time.  

Years later when they made a movie out of this amazing story, that get us in the holiday spirit..  So what are you wanting for Christmas. 

3 stars


  1. I love a good Christmas book! I'll have to pick this up from my library.

  2. This sounds like a heart warming story. I’m a single mom and don’t really rely on anyone for help. My child’s father is active though. I personally don’t really date either.

  3. Now that I am stuck in the house more, I need a good book. This one sounds perfect.

  4. This looks like such a heartwarming book, I'll have to grab a copy.

  5. Oh I am loving this suggestion. I will be flying out on a long haul trip next week and will see if I can pick this up. Thank you!

  6. catherine12/10/2024

    What a beautiful and heartwarming Christmas book story. I will definitely grab a copy of this book. Thank you!

  7. I love nora Roberts books but somehow have missed reading this one. will look for it

  8. I will need to pick this book up and give it a read. I love the type of story and plot it has and it is perfect for the holidays!

  9. Anonymous12/10/2024

    Looks like a great read! I've added it to my book list ❤️

    Everything Enchanting 🙂

  10. It has been many years since I read a Nora Roberts book. This sounds like a lovely book to read over the Christmas holiday.

  11. It looks like a great book to add to my wish list! The story is captivating and meaningful!

  12. What an heartful story, what has a beautiful plot . A prefect gift for some one special.


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