The Garden within: Where the war with your emotions end and Your Most powerful Life Begins

 We've been taught to view your emotions  with suspicion,  Seeing that we suppress them, mange them, even  mastered them as well. Which isn't true. Many people thought that your emotional are your enemy, this is a internal war isn't your destiny.

You were created to flourish.  In this game changing book that was well written from a Trauma Therapist and mental health expert Dr. Anita Phillips, revealing  how to embrace your emotions is the key of leaving your most powerful life. 

Might think of it as a garden  thrives in good  ground, as the abundant life you have seen seeking for a long time.  Which only grows in he soil of your heart. By blending faith with the latest discovery In Neurobiology. 

Along with her own research and as a licensed Therapist.  As the author  show us how to cultivate a state of emotion well being equip with the tools to nurture part  of yourself that has been misunderstand for a very long time.  your heart. setting you free to live  a life that the creator was wanting.  

What a fruitful and powerful along with an authentic messages as you are reading this book that puts you in a peaceful place in your life.  This one I would recommend, it has help me a lot. 

5 stars


  1. It sound like it has a powerful message, I must add this to my reading list.

  2. I always like uplifting books. This sounds like one of those. I could use some peace.

  3. I’m not always good of speaking my emotions or how I feel. I think this would be a great book to read.

  4. gervin khan11/12/2024

    I think I am going to like this book because of it's powerful and uplifting messages. I will definitely get a copy of this book.

  5. Lavanda Michelle11/12/2024

    This sounds like an eye-opening book! Embracing our emotions instead of suppressing them is such a powerful concept. Thanks for sharing!

  6. need to check it out. sounds like an inspiring powerful read

  7. Nurturing the misunderstood parts of yourself is not an easy task. One well worth doing though.

  8. I absolutely love this book and am reading it now. Such an incredible read for everyone.....and I appreciate you spreading the word!


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