Death on the Emerald isle

A trip to North Ireland has become an unexspectedly grim for Jessica Fletcher which was a new entry in the Us Today as the Bestselling Book Series Murder She Wrote.  Jessica Fletcher has accepted an invintation to replace the speaker that couldn't make it to the Book Festival in Belfast , Ireland.

So when her cabot cove neighbor Maeve has heard about her trip, As she asked Jessice to deliver some painting to her family in the village of Bushmills.  She was so happy to extend her travel, so that she would be able to see more of the countryside. 

Festival went off without a hitch.  As Jessica  was in a relaxing vacation. When her cousin Maeve's Michael was discovered dead was under suspious circumstances.  Jessica's has found herself in the mist of a murder investigation.

As she has to dig more into O'brand family secert to unmask his killer.   As a young girl I love watching Murder she wrote tv series,  I always love the mystery around the storyline.  By the time the show was over, I always knew what was coming next or who the mistery person was.

This is a great author that has written wonderful Mysteries  that has a lot of twist to it.  

4 stars


  1. I remember this show! I liked it so I will have to read the book about Jessica. How fun!

  2. This is the perfect book for my next train ride. It is my kind of story.

  3. This is a book I will have to read. I believe I have heard of it, but don't think I have read this one yet.

  4. This latest story in Northern Ireland sounds like another thrilling mystery with a fresh twist. Can’t wait to pick it up and dive in!

  5. I remember watching this tv show as a young child. I loved it and thrilling mystery along with a fresh twist to it. Can't wait to share them will my grandkids.

  6. When I was a kid I always enjoyed watching the Murder She Wrote shows... my Mom watched them all of the time. I am definitely interested in this book as it sounds like the perfect mystery read for me ;)

  7. My grandparents always watch murder she wrote when I was growing up. They didn’t have replays back then so you had to be at the tv at a certain time and date. I’ll have to check out this book. When it had Emerald Isle in the title I was thinking it was going to be about the beach in NC. Emerald Isle NC was my favorite beach to visit during the summer.

  8. Wow, looks like I have another book to check. I haven't heard of this yet but I'm fond of mystery stories.


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