
 James Michener is guiding us throught the Alaska's terrain and the history from a long forgottenpast busting present.  As his character's ae struggling for surrvial. As the author  was weaving together  that was exciting point of the Alaska story's.

Its Brutal orgins, The American goldrush the tremendous growth exploitation of the slamon industy. The construction of the Alcun highway undertaken to defend the terriories During World World 2. A spellbinding porttrait of the human community flighting to establish his place  it's place  in the world. the story of Alaska traces a bold and Majestic saga of the enduring  of the  sprit of the land and the people.

As the characteer in the story struggled thriving in the early and the later years of Alaska their struggles serving  as a lens through which we learned about the history of the Alaskan  with the emphasis on the last200 years.

The ownership of the russians and exploitation the purchases of seward seward's folly. Two major gold rushes and the key 20th century issuse  leading up to the 1980's as the book was published.

I really enjoyed this book.  

4 stars


  1. How cool. I love history so I'll be a fan of this book! Alaska has such an interesting history.

  2. Your review does a great job showing why this book is such a compelling journey through Alaskan history. Thanks for sharing this wonderful insight!

  3. This sounds like a fun book to read. I’d love to visit Alaska one day. I can imagine I’d be so beautiful place to live.

  4. Lavanda11/01/2024

    I especially loved the way you captured the essence of adventure that Alaska offers, from outdoor activities to local experiences.

  5. Oh. I have been meaning to read this one and had forgotten all about it.. thanks for this post and reminder

  6. Being born in Alaska, I’m all about those rugged, wild tales. I'm going to add this to my list to read this winter. You've drawn me in with your review of this book.

  7. Anonymous11/01/2024

    Sounds like a great read! My husband will love reading this book.
    Everything Enchanting ❤️

  8. What a great review that catured the essess of the story that has captured my interest to read it and really enjoyed the story as well.

  9. Nikki Wayne11/04/2024

    This book sounds cool and I think I will learn a lot from this and apply it to myself.

  10. This sounds like such an interesting read for sure and one that I would love to add to my book collection. I have always wanted to go to Alaska!


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