The Brair club

 This was an haunting and a powerful  story of friendship and secret in a Washington D.C. a Boarding house in the Mcarthy Era.  In the year 1950 at Washington D.C. As everyone kept to themselves at Brairwood house. 

This was down at the heel  of the all females boardinghouse in the heart of the nation's captial, the secret behind the white picket fences. But when the lovely mysterious widow Grace March moved into the attic, As she  draws her oddball collection ofneighbors into an unlucky friendship, poised english beauty Fliss.

Who was facaded as the perfect  wife and mother covers gapping the inner wounds. So the police officer's daughter Nora was entangled with the shadowy ganstered. fustrating baseball star Bea. As her career was ended  along with the women's baseball  league of WWll and poisonous gung-to Arlene who was thrown herself into McCarthy'red scare.

Grace's weekly atticroom the dinner parties and window brewed sun tea that becomes an healing balm on all there lives. But she hides  a terrible secret of her own. When a terrible act  of volience tears apart the house.

The Briar Club women have to decide once an all, Who is the true enemy in the midset. 

It was an amazing story that has a lot of twist and turns  to it.  It was a wonderful read, that I did enjoy.

4 stars


  1. It sounds like an amazing read. I will have to add it to my reading list.

  2. Ooo I love books that are set back in the day. They always are entertaining. I'll have to read this.

  3. Sounds like one I'd love to read. I love a lot of twists and turns when it comes to reading. I'll have to check this one out soon.

  4. It is nice to hear that this has a lot of twists and turns. I like a good book that keeps you engaged.

  5. Intriguing review of The Briar Club :) Thanks. The plot sounds captivating, and I’m excited to dive into this mysterious world. - knycx journeying

  6. The Briar Club sounds like such a gripping story with intriguing characters and plenty of twists to keep us hooked. I love how it explores themes of friendship and secrets

  7. I am loving the cover of this book..... and it sounds like a great read that I may have to check out and add to my collection. It has been book reading weather around here and this looks perfect!

  8. I read The Briar Club two months ago and loved it! The backgrounds of the women at the boarding house were intriguing, as well as the murder that takes place! The author did a lot of research about that period in time. Really well written!

  9. Anonymous10/01/2024

    Sounds like an interesting story! I'd love to read this book 😍.

    Everything Enchanting ❤️

  10. I have read a couple of books by this author but not The Briar cClub.. so will look for it surely


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