The Little Engine that Could

  A wonderful story of a train that was filled with toys and gift for the little boys and girls that has broke down before it culd reach the children. After asking several passing trains for help over the hill,  A little blue train agreed to help the stranded toys.

Even thoughshe was so small, The little blue trains tries her best to bring the toys to the children on the other side of the hill.  I think I can, I think I can as the little blue train would say as it starts up the mountans.

It was seemless but not impossible. The story has been  told so many times. The underlying thems is the same. A strand train is unable to find a engine that  would be willing to take it on over the differicult terrain to its destination. 

Only the little blue train was willing to try.  The little railroad was employed by the stataion yard for such work such as pulling a few cars, on and off the switchers. When he was waiting for his next call a  long frieght train cars asking for a roundhouse to take it over the hill. 

This was a cute book to read,  It has an amazing message that everyone will remember,if you believe in yourself you will be able do the impossible.  Just like the little blue engine, He doubted is abilities at first. But the frieght train remember him that anything is possible, as you can say I think I can I think I can. Just give it a try, you know that you can do this. 

5 stars


  1. Aw, I remember reading this book to my kids. It is such a classic with a sweet message.

  2. This sounds like a wonderful story for young children. I think the message is perfect for kids

  3. For my family this is one of the classic books to read at bed time.

  4. I love this book. I read it as a kid, and so did my children. One of my favorites.

  5. I remember my mom reading this book to my brother when he was little. It was a cute book and inspired you to keep going and never give up.

  6. My little boy loves trains and I think he will enjoy this book. Thank you for sharing your review. We will try to get a copy.

  7. I remember my mom read this to us as a young child. It was a fun story, that inspire you to keep going. and not to give up as well.

  8. this is such a heartwarming and inspiring book ..


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