follow your heart


Kathy  Yoder has left her  Amish ways, and is a successful travel guide writer.  As she goes home to settle her father's estate along with his affair's.  She remebers her life  before she left the Amish community. Even her old love Issac.

The biggest question for kathy is some going to stay, and return to her traveling lifestyle?  It was a beautiful movies that I have ever seen.  It was wonderful to see how she followed her heart, and rekindled thier love for one another.  

Have you ever seen this  leave a comment  on how you enjoy it.

5 stars


  1. This is a topic that I would enjoy. It a book that I need to read.

  2. I have never seen this one, however I do love Hallmark. I'll have to check it out.

  3. I loved reading some of the Amish books. They have a simple lifestyle. I’ll have to check out this book soon.

  4. I remember watching a show about people that had moved out of the Amish community, and how different life became. This sounds like an interesting story.

  5. I guess should read the book before watching the movie. It looks good!

  6. I love the Hallmark movies and will have to check this one out! Thank you for hsaring and letting me know!

  7. Thanks for sharing this heartwarming story! It's so inspiring to see someone follow their heart and find happiness, even amidst tough decisions. I'll definitely check out this movie and leave my thoughts.

  8. This sounds so good. I love the topic I will add the book to my reading list as well.

  9. This sounds like a very romantic story. Follow your heart, for sure. :) -LYNNDEE


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