The Melody Linger on

The Melody Linger on

 Elaine a thirty year old widow Lane works for Glady an upscaled interior designer. She found herself working an unusaul job. It's was a small townhouse that was purchased by Eric the son of Parker Bennett forhis mother to live in.

Parker disapeared in a sailing accident, before his many victums orthe federal government could excalt thier revenge. Now his wife was downsizing from the exspensive mansion. As Glady and  lane were decorating the home. 

But when Lane meet Eric, long suspected  to be hisfather collapboration.  Like a sparkling fly. Eric denies he had anytig to do with defauding  thousands of investors out of billions of dollars.  As he hired an sercuity firm to prove his innocense.

Ranger his wife  recently died without realizing her dream of moving to Florida, as they were victimized by Parker had desided that  Eric and Anne  don't deserve to live as well. As the man who was called tony russo, who moved next door to keep and eye on Anne.

Lane was the mother of Katie and herself  the daughter of privilege and power, isn't terriblesympathic of the characters. It didn't help that she was in love wigh magnet. As the author tries to raised the stakes a lot of schemes in a pplay that did not work.  

As Clarke  has pioneered  certain type of thriller and has done it very well.  But the evidences of her new novel had some lacking within the characters, and is slugglished  by the plot of the story as well.

3 stars


  1. This book sounds so interesting, I must add this to my reading list for my next read.

  2. This sounds like a good book despite you saying that it was rather sluggish. I'd still check it out.

  3. My mom loves reading books by Mary Higgins Clark. I will tell her about this.

  4. I really appreciate getting an insightful summary before diving into a new book. It sounds intriguing, despite some character and plot challenges. I'll definitely give it a read!

  5. This sounds like a great read for sure and I may have to add this one to my wish list ;) Thank you for sharing your review!

  6. My older sister use to read books by Mary Higgins Clark, this one sounds like a great read. I need to share this with her because she loves to read books like this.

  7. This looks like an intriguing book. I like a nice slow-burner sometimes!

  8. Looks like an interesting book, I'm curious to read more. Hopefully I can find this book in my city.

  9. This sounds like a good beach read. I'll have to get it for this summer.

  10. Looks like an interesting read. I have read some of Mary Higgins Clark work and I pretty much enjoyed it.

    Thank you for sharing about this. Will try to find a copy.

  11. I haven't read a Mary Higgins Clark novel in ages. But she was a favorite of mine many years ago, and it would be fun to check out her books again.

  12. I love mystery novels and Mary Higgins Clark is one of my fave authors! Thanks for the review.

  13. I need to grab me a new book to read. Thanks for the recommendation. -LYNNDEE


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