Sweet Home Alabama


An old fashion love note-a literture student's is the homework assignment that was misplace by this author.  Jason found the love note and mistakenly believe that it as the new employee Nicole. She is infatuated with him.

When Zak found the note on his tool cart at the garage. He was convinced that Ellan;s smobbing friends and with her weath parents are no threat an plot out their strategies to win her heart.  As her matchmaker sister is using the note to a ingite Romances.

Between Sam and friend Garrett.  This not causes an collision of mistaken idenity for Callie andDarryle. As the resule of finding true love  for two lonely souls. Her sister thinks it is a peom, it would be  the percet thing.

To put Sam and his friend into a Romance.  Then finally the note causes a collision of mistaken idenity for Callie, a disendhaunty of a single man, his love for a widow.  with the Anoymous love note has come from the classroom exciise.

For love and romance whch is guarantee to twikkle  your funny bone reinforce faith and tug on your heart.

4 stars


  1. This book sounds so amazing, I must add this to my next reading list for my next read. thanks for sharing

  2. This sounds like a fun book to read. I will have to keep it in mind. I do like to laugh.

  3. This sounds like a good read. The title has me singing the song now too haha!

  4. I love the title of this book. I will have to read this one,

  5. Hannah Bures5/06/2024

    I will have to read the book to know more! Who knows what will happen.

  6. This does ssound like a great read and the title reminds me of one of my favorite movies! I will ahve to add this to my kindle!

  7. Interesting book. From the title to the storyline, it is very entertaining.

  8. I really can't wait to share this with my book club gals—they'll absolutely adore it!

  9. This sounds like it would be a cute and cozy read. I'll have to add it to my ever-growing backlog!

  10. i have seen the movie of this name but looks like this book is different.. will check it out

  11. Sounds like a great book. Definitely adding this to my list!

  12. Nikki Wayne5/07/2024

    This book sounds amazing. I’ll surely add this to my reading list for me to not forget it and really read it.

  13. This sounds like a great book to read. I’ll have to check it further. I love a good book.

  14. Lavanda8/30/2024

    Sweet read! Sweet Home Alabama captures the charm of the South beautifully—perfect blend of nostalgia and local flavor.

  15. What a great book it was a best read I have to add this to my read again list. thanks for the recommendation.

  16. Whenever I even hear the name Sweet Home Alabama, I think about the movie which was EXCELLENT! So yes, I would love to read this book going to add it to my winter list of books to grab

  17. Sweet Home Alabama sounds like it would be a sweet read for the weekend!

  18. This sounds like a delightful book to read on a holiday or trip

  19. Love the name of the book. Definitely sounds like a good read.


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