Balancing Acts


The tranformative power of yoga along with friendship for four woman that were on the verge of realizing Thier dreams. With the brains along with the beauty of the high paying job wall street position.  It seems that charles had it all.

As she turned thirty she has invested in her life or the lack of it. As she left it all around to pursue  yoga. So twoyears later she is drumming up business for her fledged flat in Brooklyn.  The plan was to attended her college alumni now with flier that was in tow. 

As she reconnect with three of her former classmates. who were post graduates lives, like her own.  Whichc didn't turn out the way she wanted it too.  As she maet a Romance book editor that wanted to write a novel that was bottle up inside of her. 

The up and coming photographer with up east side social darling. Now Noami a single mom who hasn't pick up a camera in a really long time. so Beth  has this dream to being a serious investigator journalist. As Christine was stuck in a rut writing snarkly captions for a gossip magazine.

A weekly yoga session in charlies studio, the four friends reuited  after ten years after colleges will forge with new bonds, and new chances as they start over, falling in love, that changes thier  lives. As they faces to face with haunted realities. 

It was a story  that kept me turning the pages and wanted to learn more and more.

3 stars


  1. I have always enjoyed reading the friendship books. I will add this one to my list.

  2. Heather Pfingsten5/08/2024

    I had a few friends in college that I would love to reunite with and rekindle a friendship. A positive read about friendship is something I definitely could use right about now. Thank you for the recommendation.

  3. Hannah Bures5/08/2024

    This novel sounds interesting! I wonder how it will end? Have to add this to my must read list!

  4. I love books about friends reconnecting. I'm going to add this to my to read shelf.

  5. It is always refreshing to read about women chasing their dreams and finding strength in unexpected places like yoga and friendship.

  6. I love books that are about women reconnecting with yoga and finding there dreams along with friendship as well. Highly recommended .

  7. This sounds like it would a feel-good read. I should check it out sometime!

  8. Love how the yoga class brought the four friends together. Sound like a great read about reuniting with old friends

  9. Nice book for yoga enthusiasts! I have a friend who would love this one!

  10. This sounds like a fun book to read. I’ll have to check it out and try to read it soon.

  11. i recall reading about this book and need to look for it now that your post reminded me of it


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