

Precious, a sixteen year old  up to now she was invisible. She was invisible from her father who has rape her, as her mother batter her an the Authorities  who dismiss her as one more Harlem's causalities.

But when Precious become pregnant with her second child which was by her father. As she met a highly motivated  and determined teacher.  As we follow her journey of enlightens and  Education as Precious  is learning how to write about her life and how she  made it one her own, for the very first time.

As the administrator of her school had expelled Precious, but gave her an recommendation of an alternative school Each one Teach One.  As Precious had landed her GED reading class that was taught by Blue rain Along with his staff have places her and her daughter Abdul into an half way house.

Her fellow students are women that have  the similar past.  As precious got home from the hospital after giving birth to her son, Abdul, after her mother attacked her she ran away. As Precious became homeless. Precious continue thriving in writing poetry.

Years later it was a motion picture which was a true story.  I can relate to the story, and I would highly recommend this book. 

5 stars


  1. Sounds like a pretty good book. I'll have to put this on my list. I love to read.

  2. I so would love to chekdc this book out. Was this made into a movie too? I think maybe as the story sounds familiar but the books are always so much better! Thank you for sharing your honest review!

  3. What a tragic story. So sad especially that this is based on a true story. The main character certainly went through a lot of hardship in her life.

  4. Sounds like a sad story, but it would be interesting to read. Will check it out. -LYNNDEE

  5. Such a cruel and hurtful experience for Precious. I am going to check this out. Thank you for sharing this story.

  6. This was such an uncomfortable and moving read. Precious overcame a lot of hardship in her life and overcame a lot of hurdles.

  7. Was a very moving story, and I could relate with precious on how she was able to survive the hardship that she was going through. It was a very sad but had an wonderful ending to a new beginning.

  8. This sounds like a great book to read. I’ll have to read it and then watch the documentary. It’s a sad story but it happens more than most people realize.

  9. Hannah Bures4/21/2024

    This book sounds very interesting. I would find it intriguing to say the least!

  10. Anonymous4/22/2024

    This sounds like a powerful read for sure; adding it to my reading list -Vidya


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