My Gal Sunday

Can you Imagine Nick and Nora had a taste of Politics and non for gin. And you will be really close to the author  Story of  Henry and his attraction  to his young wife Sandra known as Sunday. Henry Possessor of an inherited fortune is known as the sexiest men in America.

As he just finish his second term as president of the United States and he is so happy to retire at 44 puttering around his New Jersey country estate. Sunday had work her way up from the modest working  class background. As the junior congresswomen  a reputation for smarts.

The two met. romantically enough. On the eve of Henry leaving his office he fell madly in love then six weeks later they were married. In the collection of readable stories, the sleuth duo  catch the murder of a statesman's Armor, endure Sunday Kidnapping and master minded her rescue. Has solved the 34-year old Mystery.

Of the disappearance of the Prime Minister, from the family yacht, and reunited a boy with his parents at Christmas. Of the four, All of them were running after the President's wife.  It is one of the best plots and how amusing of the characters of the clavier-loving  terroirs.  The suspense is on the mild side, throughout the romances.  Which is sweet and sincere.

4 stars



  1. Ooo I love the suspense and romance combo. I am adding this one to my list!

  2. My friend loves this author. I will have to tell her about ths book.

  3. I bet this is a great book. I've always been on the edge of my seat with the other Mary Higgins Clark books I've read.

  4. My Gal Sunday sounds like a thrilling read! It is nice to have a book that keeps you on the edge of your seat from start to finish. Great pick! I haven't read this in a while.

  5. It has put me at the end of my seat and the suspense along with the romance is something that I loved. Mary Higgins Clark is a fans tic storyteller I highly recommend you read.

  6. I am intrigued to dive into "My Gal Sunday" by Mary Higgins Clark. The mix of mystery and romance promises an engaging read.

  7. This sounds like a great book. I love romance and thriller books but I never thought to read one with them together.

  8. i know i will enjoy reading this one for i love Mary Higgins Clark books

  9. This does sound like a great read and I do enjoy this authors books as well! I will be adding this to my kindle soon!

  10. This sounds like a great book to read. I really need to make time to read a little bit a day.

  11. I always enjoy a good mystery book. I will have to check this one. -LYNNDEE


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