A new year a new beginning

 Welcoming the new years, and the last one is safety behind us.  As always, a new year bring us new hope and joy and happiness that comes along with new beginning.  the opportunity to let go of old habits and creating new ones.

Keeping in mind your goals,  I will continue sharing Book's  and review's and general topic on Laurajlbooks blog.

I will share book's that interest me from this day forward, I will  share review's  that encourage my reading to continue reading.  I will not set far reaching goals, that will overwhelm me with my reading at once.  I know that can do something with my reading within my 24 hours.

That could overwhelm me, if I was doing it for an lifetime.   I will read book's that make me happy.  I will not dwell on book's that I don't have time to read. So if my mind is filled of word's and stories I have read in the past. I will chase them away an find book's that make you happy an filled of sunshine.

I will accept the story the way they are, and face the reality. Correct the written review's about the story.  An accept what I  can not change.  I will improve my mind, and read something  that requires effort and thought's and concentrate on writting a better review of the story.

 My goals for 2024 goes as follows:

Continue reading books that make me happy,  continue discovering new author's of book's that I have never read before.

I will continue to be postive with my writing of  honest review's of books that I have read.  To be able to update the reviews that are already written. To continue with my writing schedula of two post pre week, along with posting on Mondays and Thursdays. 

I will continue to post of social media be constant of writing postive caption for each of my social media post.

I will continue to organized  on keeping my home life and blogging life in check.  Although that I met some of my goals in 2023. I can say postively I am still working on my relationship with my boys, and on myself as well. 

And I will be continuing reading more and more books, and writing amazing reviews.  Beable to plan what my next steps I'm going to take in the future of my blog. From our family to yours Have a wonderful new years with a lot of new memories and beginning that you are successful at it.


  1. Good luck with your goals! I always love reviewing books and reading reviews, because it gives me ideas on what to pick up next.

  2. I love that you have set realistic goals for things that you love to do. Good luck!

  3. This is a book that I need to read. I do like the idea of a new begining.

  4. Love This! Your words resonate with me as a mom, especially the part about focusing on things that bring joy and happiness.

  5. Thank you for sharing goals for 2024. Just like you - I plan to continue reading more books so, I am looking forward to more of your reviews and recommendation.

  6. Happy new year to you! Looking forward to see what books 2024 will add to my backlog.

  7. It is nice to put together your book goals and resolutions for the new year. I haven't been reading nearly enough, and I will have to make an effort to read more this year!

  8. Happy new years, to everyone, I am looking forward of adding books and seeing what is out there to add to my reading list.

  9. Your goals for this year are great, and I'm sure you will accomplish them

  10. Happy New Years to you. I’m excited for 2024. I’ve been focused on finding a new job. I started having major issues with my feet and working 45-50 on them just isn’t healthy anymore. But with a new job, I’ll have to dedicate time to ride my bike daily.


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