The Homecoming, The Waltons


As clay spencer  fails to arrive at the expected hour on Christmas Eve of 1933, as the family  grows concerned.  While the seven brother and sister and his mother vigil the older son, his going to search for their father. 

On his journey throught the snowbound virginia Hills, the boys experences hazarod, touching and hilarious adventures. as his life was endangered deer.  The family had honored his threat be an well meaning outsider.

An unexspected help is provided by the fearless county sherriff. An encounter with an neighbor negrow community church as teaching the clay boys the lesson in a race related, while taken refuge from the snow storm.

He was so overwhelmed by the hospitality of two elderly genteel lady boatleggers.  Finally at midnight all the hope for him has been adbandoned,  In a single moment of the story the triumph of the human spirit.  

An years later the story was turned into a movie, The story is heartwarming an American family that is the basis of television's beloved series. 

5 stars


  1. Anonymous1/02/2024

    I so loved this show years ago as a kid and even see a rerun at times now. I'm embarrassed to admit I didn't know it was a book, so thanks for the review as I must pick it up. Stephanie

  2. Oh The Waltons! I watched some episodes and enjoyed them. I should read this.

  3. I love a good story about the triumph of the human spirit. They're so upliftin. I will have to check this book out!

  4. I need to watch the movie first. Then I may read the book.

  5. I would love to read this book. I have to remember to add this one to my list. I have always wanted to read this one.

  6. I am curious as to when this book was originally published. It sounds familiar and it is interesting to revisit older books.

  7. This sounds like a great book to read. I’ll have to check it out and put it on my reading list. I love a good heartwarming story.

  8. I used to love watching The Waltons! I bet reading the series would be even better, there's always something lost in translation when books are put on screen.

  9. This show was one of my favorites shows to watch and even now with the reruns I get a few in. I must admit though, I didn't know it was a book.

  10. This book looks super interesting, I will add this to my "to read" list. Thanks for sharing!

  11. Your review of "The Homecoming, The Waltons" offers a concise yet insightful analysis. The clarity in your writing makes it easy to understand your perspective. I appreciate your thoughtful evaluation, and your words effectively convey the essence of the book.

  12. Sounds like a great read! I would love to read this book. Great review 👌🏻.

    Everything Enchanting ❤️

  13. It's wonderful to read about the triumph of the human spirit even in the face of adversity. This is truly a testament to the enduring legacy of this heartwarming American family story!

  14. Such an awesome and engaging book to read! You'll definitely feel that this is interesting and i'll add this on my list!

  15. This is the first time I heard about this but it seems interesting. Will definitely check this out.

  16. I haven't read the book, seen the show nor heard of the movie. I will have to check them out. -LYNNDEE

  17. As a little girl I watch the walton series, But didn't realized there was a book about it. The book was so good I could not put it down, It brings back memeories for me.

  18. The story looks so interesting, will check this out. Thanks for the sharing the book.

  19. I will add this book to my list! Thank you so much for sharing and recommending it


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