Cottage by the Sea


Annie was thinking of the worst, She was rocked by a tragedy, she heads to a place that make her so happy. Oceanside in the Pacific Northwest, destination where her family has taken many vacation. When Annie was younger.

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once Annie arrive she started to restore her broken spirit, She was thanking all the people that she meets. A Local Painter, Keaton whose large frame is equal to a big heart. Who helps Annie  fix up her rental cottage by the sea.

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Mellie was the most pickly Landlord, But Annie has a mission to befriend her. And Britt was a teenager  with  a terrile secret. But Keaton, to whom Annie was  drawn to. He was quiet, peacefl, nature offer of comfort for both of them, which reprieve her from her grief and the two of them grew closer.

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Then events  threaton to undo the idyll Annie has come to enjoy.  when a opprotunity came up of a lifetime of land in her lap, she was torn between the excitement of her new journey towards success and safety, and a secure arms of heaven. For the man that come to call home.

This was an amazing tale that was heartwarming, and how Annie was able to fix the damage within the help of rising above the pain and find a way to heel.

4 stars


  1. This does sound like a fabulous book. I've read other books by this author and enjoyed them so I'm sure I'll like this.

  2. I love trying new authors books so I'll be sure to add this to my reading list.

  3. Sounds like a very interesting story & I love the picture on the cover. So pretty.

  4. Sounds like a good book. I may need to add this one to my list. I love a good heartwarming book.

  5. The book sounds great even from the title. I am sure I would enjoy reading this title.

  6. The title alone makes me want to read this book. I would love to live by the sea.

  7. Lisa Lisa11/21/2023

    I may need to grab this book and a few others you have listed! All of them sound interesting . They would make gifts to

  8. Your review of "Cottage by the Sea" has me hooked! The way Annie rebuilds her spirit by the sea sounds like such a soul-soothing journey.

  9. This has been on my to-read book list. I really need to pick this up from my library as it sounds great!

  10. Anonymous11/21/2023

    Been a while since I read Debbie Macomber books so will look for this one- vidya / ladyinread

  11. What an amzing tory about friendship and how she learned about her family death. what a great gift for someone for christmas.

  12. Love this author! I need to read this book too!

  13. I loved the heartwarming story of love and friendship, and forgetting the pain to help her heel as well. Highly recommend

  14. I love a good book and this one has piqued my interest. What a great review, living by the sea has to be an all-time favorite for many including myself.

  15. Annie's journey from the depths of tragedy to finding solace and strength in Oceanside is truly inspiring. It's a beautiful reminder of how unexpected places and people can help heal our deepest wounds.

  16. Debbie Macomber's writing style and character development sounds really engaging. I bet getting lost in this story can be quite immersive!

  17. Sounds like a lovely setting for a story, and nice to have a little bit of mystery thrown in there as well.

  18. I love Debbie Macomber but has been a while since i read her books.. and love books by the sea..

  19. I read some of the book from Debbie but not this one yet. I would love to grab a copy of this seems really a good book.

  20. Anonymous2/13/2024

    Sounds like a great read! I am adding this to my next read-list.

    Everything Enchanting ❤️

  21. It sounds like a heartwarming and emotional read, perfect for cozying up with on a rainy day.

  22. This looks like a great read. Will add it to my list for sure.

  23. This sounds like a good book with a great story. Will add this to my "to read" list

  24. I have read several books of Debbie Macomber but I haven't read this book yet. Will definitely check this out. Thank you for sharing.

  25. This sounds like such a nice read. I also really like how soothing the cover art is.

  26. I haven't tried reading a book by this author yet. I will check this book out. -LYNNDEE


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