The scoop


Teresa Known as Toots Amelia laudenberry has lived a crammed a great deal of living.  Not to mention eight muched loved husband. a variety of  and rewarding life. She was newly single. Toot's is read  to tasted life again.

Her fate handed her a great oppretunity.  The owner of the popular gossip rag that her daughter works for.  Is about to lose the paper to his gambling debt. She  was trying to find other oppertunity to keep her daughter working, among the mover and shaker of hollywood. 

So Toot's calls on her three trusted friends, Sophia,Mavis,and Ida to  help her fill some strings Together they Hatched a plan that promises laughter with the trills and more danger that came with it. Putting a side her widow's weed ( black was never an issue as color).

Toot's is ready to prove the she wasn't to be underestimated a southern lady of a certain age, and each day can be a gift, it you are able to claim it.  

This story was fun it made me laught and had alot of twist to it.  I really enjoyed it.  As a mother that would go to the end of the earth to help her daughter to be able to save her employment.  

4 stars


  1. This sounds like a wonderful book. I always love one that will make me laugh.

  2. This sounds like a really fun read! Any book that can make me laugh is a good one for me.

  3. Sounds like this would be a really good book. I'm always up for reading. I'll have to check this one out next.

  4. Your book review is spot-on! You've captured the essence of "The Scoop" brilliantly. Your insights are insightful and make me want to dive right into the book. Your review is a real gem!

  5. Although I will not be able to read all the books you recommend, but I am always looking forward to the next book which you are putting out!

  6. "The Scoop" sounds like it has a lot of gossip and intrigue, could be an interesting read!

  7. Zab Zaria10/19/2023

    I will add this book to my list! Thank you so much for sharing and recommending it

  8. It sounds like an amazing book to read. Story of a mother that would go to the end of the earth to help her daughter. Which made me laugh until i cried.

  9. Richelle Escat10/20/2023

    The story sounds so interesting! I will check out this book.

  10. I love easy fun stories like these!This is a must read book!

  11. This sounds like a book I would enjoy. I’ll have to add it to my reading list.

  12. Interestingly, I have never read a book by Fern Michaels. I have heard a lot of great things about this author.


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