The Adventures of Mark twain


Everyone knows the  story of the raft  on the Missippi and the ol white washed  picket  fence.  Now is the time for youngered everyone to get acquanted  with the men that is behind the pen. Mr. Mark Twain! Was an interesting Character, even when he did something to get gussip up in a linen suite.

Even he did make the riches and live in a house with so many tiers even a gazebos which looked like a wedding cake.  It was all a little  too prooper and hog tied  for our narrator, Huckberry Fin. He was the one for the job.

to telling  this picture book biography  than Huck himself. We's so glad the he was obilging, He'll  tell you one thing. that Mr. Mark Twain was a piece of work! He was famous for his sense of humor. and saying what is on his mind too. an he was a real satrist, prehapes the American's greatest.

Ever. He was true to Huck voice This picture book biography is a riverboat  boat ride of life of a True american Treasure of a classic story.  As I was reading this book, it brought back memories of when I had to read this book and write my opinion and review of the story as a book report.  I love it.  

3 stars.


  1. Mark Twain is such a classic. I remember writing a report on it as well!

  2. What a cute way to introduce young ones to the story of Huckleberry Finn. I like the take on this one!

  3. This is a book that I remember reading in school. I might have to read it again.

  4. I have read it in school and it is good, really fun and good!

  5. You made me curious with this book! I definitely want to know more about Mark Twain!

  6. I watched this as a series on TV but not familiar with who wrote this. Thanks for bringing back the memories of my childhood.

  7. This sounds like an amazing story that many youngered woll enjoy. thanks for sharing this with us.

  8. Zab Zaria10/28/2023

    I will add this book to my list! Thank you so much for sharing and recommending it

  9. That looks like such a neat spin on presenting a biography in a kid-friendly manner!

  10. This book is a must read. Such a classic!

  11. This is a great way to learn about Mark Twain. Sounds like a wonderful way to read up on a classic.

  12. I’ve never read this book. I’m actually kinda surprised that it wasn’t a requirement when I was in school. I’ll have to check it out.

  13. My husband told me about Mark Twain before. I need to read this book. -LYNNDEE

  14. Such great read and you have made me want to re read this one as it has been ages! I absolutely love Mark Twain and appreciate you reminding men of this fabulous read!


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