The Thief


Was on a Ocean liner Mautretainia, two Euuropian Scientist  with a Dramatic new Invention are barely recued from the abduction by te Van Dorn Detective agency's inspired by the Chief vestigator, Isaac Bell. Unfortanately they were not so luck the second time.

The thugs attacked again  and one of the scientic has die. What are they holding that was so precious? Only something that was so revolunate business that was so  populr with the culture's and prehaps there was something more to the story.

The war clouds were looming, and the ruthless esipionage ageny  was spotted a  priceless oppertunity to give German an edge.  It was up to Isaac Bell to figure out who this man was, and wht he was up to, and stop him as well.

But he might be a little late and the future of the world may just handing in the balance.  This was a book the my son reccommended to me to read.  The Story was so moving and inspiring it kept my attenntion to contine to find out what happen  to the Isaac Bell, and did he find out what the man wasup to and how is he going to stop him.  

The adventure was so good.  And it has alot of twist to it.  

4 stars


  1. This sounds like and amazing read. I mustcheck it out. Thanks for sharing it with us.

  2. Oh nice, I do always like a book with a twist to it. I'll keep this one in mind.

  3. Such an interesting book. I might just have to read this book.

  4. Richelle Milar10/06/2023

    Wow! This sounds like a really great and interesting book that I need to read. Can’t wait to check this out

  5. This sounds like a book that would pique my daughter's interest, I'm going to share this with her. She loves to read!

  6. I love a book that has a lot of twists in it. Adding this to my reading list.

  7. Sounds like a great book if you love twists and turns while reading. On my list of books to read!

  8. I enjoy reading Clive Cussler's work and will include this on my TBR list. It sounds so interesting.

  9. Zab Zaria10/06/2023

    I must read this book because it sounds like it would be a really interesting and wonderful read.

  10. Sounds like an interesting book! I will definitely recommend it to my daughter!

  11. Such a great author! I enjoy his books and this one sounds good too.


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