The sister effect


The author brings  her readers an emotional, witty, with an heartful story explores  the complex of a broken family emotions as they  strive to become whole again.  This uplifing story of human frailty andresillence.

Finley is determined  that the niece she's raising  is always loved and  wanted too. Unlikely how she felt as her mother had left her, to pursume her dream of being a star. So when their grandfather was left to raise them has abandoned  her and her sister.

Sloane who needed him the most.  Finley reacted to her chaotic childhood by walking straight and narrow. Nose down and working hard, and follwoing the rules as well. Solane has gone the other way. Now Solane is back.

A beautiful and damaged as ever, All the she was wanting was an relationship with her daughter. but she saids that she has changed. But Finley heart has been burn once  too often for her trust. But her reluctane to forgive for Sloane or worry about losing what she is  loved the most?

From the help of  man the knows to much abouta messy family can be.Finley will learn there joyin surrending and peace in letting go.  

I discovered this author and her writing of this story was so relatible to me.   I would recommed this author to many of  my readers.

4 stars


  1. Interesting synopsis for a book. Will put that in my to-read list.

  2. I will have to keep this book in mind! It sounds like something I'd enjoy reading.

  3. I do like the sound of witty for this book. I need to check this book out.

  4. This sounds like a book that I would love to read. I have a reading list already, so I'll have to add this one on it too.

  5. Richelle Milar9/19/2023

    Can’t wait to add this on my list. This sounds like a really great book that I need to check out

  6. This sounds like a very heartwarming story and a good read. I have added it to my reading list.

  7. I liked that phrasing, "the joy in surrendering and the peace of letting go".

  8. This was an amazing read, The story is so heartwarming, I will be adding it for my want to read it again list. thanks for sharing.

  9. I recall reading about this book and wanting to read it then.. your post reminded me that i need to find it soon

  10. Zab Zaria9/19/2023

    I would love to read this book if I had the chance. It sounds like an interesting read.

  11. I may have to check this book out as it looks like the kind of read I am interested in right now ;) Love it and adding it to my wish list next!

  12. This is an interesting read. Very timely since I am almost done with my current book. Will definitely add this to my reading list.

  13. I still haven't read any book from this author. I'm def going to grab one soon. -LYNNDEE

  14. I haven't heard of this author but the book looks good. WIll check.


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