Pretty Little Liars #1


Everyone has something to hide, especially high school juniors , Spencer, Aia,Emily, even hnna. has Spencer had converted her sister boyfriend. Aria's an fantasizing about her english teacher. It was Emily crushing on the new girl at school.

Hanna using an ugly trick to look beautiful.  But they all kept a bigger secret about Alison that vanished. How do I know? Because I Knew everything about the bad girl's  They were.  The naughtist girls they are, with the  dirt secret they've kept. then guess what?  They will tell.

The story introduces an exculsive a certain group of friends.  the perfect and  yet malpulates one of the queen bee's an independent girl was consider to be the oddball of the bunch, a swimmer who hold a secert of feelling for Alison, 

Who has strive to be  thin also popular like Alison and Spencer who was an overachiver and brave to  stand up to Alison ways. Alison  disappeared during an sleepover with the girl's before the 8th grade.

Throughtout the story the girls recieve messages that threatening them to reveal there secrets of the past and the present, including the terrifying  indcident  of the missing girl.   Which leave them to believe that Alison is missing.  

As I was reading this story it had a lot of twist and turn throught out the story, and had a lot of mystery to it.  I love the story and how itwas written by the author as well.  

3 stars


  1. I have heard about the show but have never seen the books before. I might have to read it!

  2. I love a good mystery so I will add this to my reading list. Thx!

  3. The title alone makes me want to read this book. It sounds so interesting.

  4. I've read all these books in the series and I loved them. I've also seen the t.v. series and loved that as well.

  5. Janeane Davis9/27/2023

    I have heard of this show, but have not seen it or read the book. It was great to read this review and see what all the fuss is about.

  6. I've watched most if not all of the TV series. I liked it so I'm sure this book will be just as great

  7. I always prefer books to movies. I need to read it soon! I know I will love it!

  8. This sounds like an awesome book! I've also heard of and seen some of the series so I am curious as to how the book will compare! :)

  9. I really love a good mystry, This one was my favorite over all thanks for sharing.

  10. I've read it and I must say I had always liked Pretty Little Liars!

  11. I've seen a lot of buzz in regards to Pretty Little Liars as far as the show goes, but I bet the books would be much more juicy!

  12. Zab Zaria9/28/2023

    It sounds like a really good book. Mystery is always something I enjoy reading.

  13. I have been wanting to watch the show but couldn't find it. I may as well read the book. -LYNNDEE

  14. My daughter loves the original show but I am not thinking she is crazy about the new version. I will have to look for the book for her! She loves to read and the book is always better than the show or movie!

  15. My sister loved watching this series. I personally never got hooked. Maybe I’ll check out the books/shows.


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