The Weight of Water


Jean was researching the luried and sensational  ax murders of two woman in the 1873 as the editorial tie in with a brutal  of a modern double murder.  ( Can you guess which one?) 

As she discovers a cache of a newspapers that  given an account of the murders by an eyewitness. as the plot weaves  between the narrative of the eyewitness as Jean's private struggles with jealious and suspicions as her marriage treeters.

It' impossible not to keep turning the pages, as Shreve with somber voice, leads you on within the writitng of this story.  This was an powerful achievement, with a gripping, A stunning tales as well.  As she directed her writing with the unravel themes.

Of Adultery, jealousy, crimes of passion incest, along with the lost of guilty.  As it Plunges into the best kind of mystery, along with a deep and interior.  As she immerise herself into the case.  the question was posted by Jean the photographer.

So who is 1995 when was he going to arriving in smuffynose island.  

I was an wonderful story that had alot of twist to it.  But I was still wondering who murder the two woman and was justiest was served.  

4 stars.


  1. I read this a while back and enjoyed it. She writes some thought provoking books.

  2. This looks good! I do love a good mystery so I will have to check it out!

  3. This sounds like such a great book. I love a good mystery book, so I'll be checking this one out.

  4. I know that this is a book that I will enjoy. I may have to give it go.

  5. Zab Zaria9/07/2023

    It sounds like a really good book. Mystery is always something I enjoy reading.

  6. Richelle Milar9/07/2023

    I’m surely gonna have to check this out! This sounds like a really great book

  7. This looks like it would be a thrilling read, I'll have to check it out!

  8. I got this one but haven't started reading it yet. Will start reading it this weekend.

  9. I am intrigued of this review! I need to read this book asap!

  10. This was my grandmother's favorite kind of genre to read. I snuck and read some of her books when I was little. They were scary but good.

  11. This sounds like a great book and story as well. I will have to put this on my reading list for future reads.

  12. I think is sounds like a great book to read! I just grabbed it and I can't wait to get started!

  13. This sounds like a great read. I’ll have to add it to my reading list.


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