Safe Harbour

 It was on a Wind-swept summer day in San Fransico, a solitary figure decided to walk down on the beach, a dog at her side, Pip young life was touch by tragedy nine months ago a terrible accident has plague his Mother ophellie into inconolable grief.

On this chillly summer july afternnon, Pip has met an artist Matt who has offer to teach the girls how to draw.  An noticest this beautiful , lonely mother. Matt could sense  something magical  about pip, of his own daughter at the age before a bitter divorce, tore his family apart, and swept his children half across the world. 

At first Ophellie was thrown of balance of her daughter  new companion, At first she realize what joy that he brings into their lives.  Matt hass confronts unfinished  business from his past. Ophellie is stuck in betrayal out of the darkness that has this shadowed over both of them.

Which come a glitter of hope that is a greater gift to them all.

The story was one of my favorite, which has a meaning to it.  That inpire us to be able to find the hope that you are looking for. 

4 stars


  1. This books seems to have a story that is subtle and simple, you short review on this was appealing, will give it a read!

  2. I used to love Danielle Steel but her books basically became the same plot so I stopped. I might have to read this one to see if I like it!

  3. the story is so relateable and simple. I love it. I wuld read it again and again.

  4. That's such a sweet sounding book, it sounds like something I'd enjoy reading.

  5. I used to read her work when I was much younger (and when I took time out to read a lot). I remember she did a great job with her writing.

  6. I love the Danielle Steel style. I need to re-read this one! How many beautiful memories!

  7. I haven't read a Danielle Steele book in many years. This sounds like a good one!

  8. Richelle Milar7/27/2023

    This sounds like a really great and very interesting book that I need to check out

  9. This sounds like a great book to read. I wish I had more time to read. But I’ll add this to my reading list.


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