Are you there God? it's me Margaret


Margaret a tweleve year old girl, like tuna fish, her long hair, and the smell of the rain, all the things that are pink. She moved  from New York to Farbook New Jersey, she was so anxious to fit in with her new friends.

Nancy, Gretchen, and hanie was the foundation of  this secret club that talk about the subjects that were private, ssuch as boys, bars, and getting there first period. Margaret was so happy to join their club. Non of them could believe that Margaret had no religion, that she was not going to the Y.

Or even the Jewish Community Center. Margaret has a special relationship with god. She talks to god about everythng such as friendship, family, Moorse Feed is her secret crush.

Margaret is fun and so realiable  with her thoughts along with her feelings too.  You will feel that she is talking to you has your read the story in this amazing book. But would share her secrets with her friends.. 

4 stars


  1. I read this book so many times when I was small. I loved it and still do. I randomly quote "we must, we must, we must increase our bust!"

  2. Wow, I remember this so well from my childhood. Such a great book for kids to read.

  3. savita8/03/2023

    This is soo good, I have not read it before but sounds interesting.

  4. Judy Blume was tied with Beverly Cleary for being my favorite author when I was a kid.

  5. I read this book as a child and loved how authentic the character is. I love that Judy Blume is still a popular author today

  6. You had me so curious about Margaret, this sounds like something I would like to read!

  7. a book too long on my want-to-read list.. i think i should get to it soon

  8. It has an interesting story, with an author that is popular today. I have read so many of judy blume as a young child. And I love it.

  9. Monica8/03/2023

    There will always be a special place in my heart for Judy Blume. This book is such a classic!

  10. This is an interesting book! I am so curious to read it!

  11. Zab Zaria8/04/2023

    I will add this book to my list! Thank you so much for sharing and recommending it

  12. Richelle Milar8/05/2023

    It looks like an inspirational book to read! Thanks for sharing your little review.

  13. Rose Ann Sales8/05/2023

    Will efinitely add this book to my list! I like the inspirational and light genre on books.

  14. I need to read this book. I know there is a movie out too. I’ll have to check both out.


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