sully Miracle on the hudson


It was in inspirational autobiography by the most captiving American hero's of out time Caption Sully and his crew.  He was the pilot who miraculously landing the cripping US Air airways Flight 1549 into the Husdson River.

As he saved  the passenger and crew on this flight.   His cool  action advert the tragedy, but made him an hero and the inspiration worldwide.  His story was turn into a major motion picture, that was produced and directored by clint.

As you can see that Sully's story  is dedicated to life  lession, that is dedicated to hope with a lot of preparedness  that has reveals an important lesson he has learnd throught out his life.   With all of his military training, and a dedicated polit.

Which reminds us about the day of conflicts, tragedy, with all the uncertainty, there is alot of value in life that is worth fighting for.   As we met them with love an true happiness to go a long with it. 

This is an amazing story, that is so inspirational and worth the time to read it.  It give us a better understand how much airline polites go through.  As they put safety first as they fly from country to country.

5 stars


  1. This sounds so interesting I will have to add it to my summer reading list.

  2. I remember this when it was happening. Such a crazy story but I am glad it all worked out in the end.

  3. I remember watching the story as it happened. I have seen a number of documentaries as well and look forward to reading the autobiography next.

  4. Sounds like such an interesting read. I am reading so much more this year already. I'll have to add this one to my list.

  5. I remember this event so vividly. What a great story, and it would be nice to read all the details in the book.

  6. Monica5/10/2023

    I forgot about this! I wanted to see the movie based on this event. The book would be cool to read too.

  7. Oh my goodness! I remember when this happened as well as I remember watching the movie. I bet the book is just as great!

  8. It's incredible to read about real-life heroes and their remarkable acts of bravery. I remember hearing about this event in the news, but getting a more in-depth perspective through this post is truly captivating. It's a reminder of the resilience of the human spirit and the power of quick thinking in challenging situations. I'll definitely be adding "Sully: Miracle on the Hudson" to my reading list and looking forward to experiencing this incredible tale firsthand.

  9. This sounds to be a wonderful story. I love books based on true story!

  10. This was certainly such a memorable heroic and inspiring event.. while I am yet to watch the movie or read this book, I hope to do both soon.. thanks for sharing your thoughts on the book

  11. That sounds like an interesting story to be told for sure, and lovely to commemorate a time when people came together in an emergency!

  12. This sounds like a great read. I’ll have to add it to my reading list.

  13. Anonymous5/11/2023

    That book about Sully sounds like an amazing book to read. I'll have to read it soon!

  14. Richelle Milar5/12/2023

    Wow! This sounds like a really interesting and nice book to read. Thanks for sharing this with us

  15. Zab Zaria5/13/2023

    It sounds like a really good book. This kind of story is always something I enjoy reading.


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