Killer Pretty Little Liars #6


Five beautiful teenage girls that were forcest to  solve a mystery of their bestfriend death.  But wondering how they met, How they became friends,   When four girls wanted to steal part of their  school flag.  To thier surprised that it was already stolen.

to this day the girl think they saw the body in Ian.  They were wronging assued suspect in the murder in the woods. When they return  to find that they body was disappeared.  Each of the girls have their own  personal issue to deal with.  

As they continue to recieve harassing text's and email from A.  When aria had to move into with her father and his pregant young girlfriend, an her mother boyfriend start to harass her. So Emily  is dating  a boy  that is mother has something in for her.

Hannah  stepsister  kay is tring  so hard to take over her life.  as they are in compete for the same boy.( which was Mike). Spencers parents are being so cold towards her. As  she had to come to the concluetions that he was adopted.

Finally tacking down her birth mother to a women that lived in New York City., who wanted to met her. 

4 stars


  1. I always like a good mystery book. This sounds like a good one!

  2. I had been debating whether I wanted to read these books but now I think I have to.

  3. Sounds like a riveting storyline. I like books that have some good suspense.

  4. I do love the suspense in this book. Now I need to read it.

  5. Jane Frith5/04/2023

    Sounds like good yarn with lots of twists and turns in the plot.

  6. Thanks for sharing your thoughts about "Killer," the sixth book in the Pretty Little Liars series. Your review has definitely piqued my interest and I'm excited to check it out for myself!

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  8. Richelle Milar5/04/2023

    This sounds like a really great and interesting book that I need to check out!

  9. Rose Ann Sales5/04/2023

    What a really interesting mystery book this is. I’m gonna add this on my list

  10. I haven’t read this series yet. I’ll share this with my sister she enjoys pretty little liars.

  11. Monica5/04/2023

    I think I'd like this series since I loved the show so much. I bet the books are better too.

  12. Sounds like an interesting story into the lives of a few very interesting girls. On to the reading list!

  13. It's a book that talks about the real life and I like it for that!

  14. Sounds like a good book, I love a good mystery.


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