Why I love to read


Ever since I could read, I contiue to discover books to read.   I wasn't  into sports of any kind, or working on home improvements, or keeping up with daily chores around the house.  Not even have anykind of musical talented as well.

As young child Reading was just like an bisggest hobby that I have keep up with for many years.  My siblings  have given me the reading bug.  Seeing them reading different books and talk with them and finding out what they were reading was so fasinating  to me.  

So I would snuggle in bed and reading  books that I thought were interested to I thought they were in a different language.   But I always in the minds of many different characters, even the adventure behind them. 

I read on an average 2 or3 books preweek when my schedule permits, Only have the opportunity  to get one done perweek.   I love the passion of books.  Why do we read?   Why do you love reading?  

You never stop learning:

Think about it.  You will be learning on a subject that you are interested in. you might be analyzing  your own behaviors. You learn more about what you  are feeling and beable to learn more about yourself and other human  beings.

wether  you pick up your favorite books that are novels, and reading essay on the topic of climate change or just skimming through the paper  about the human behaior.  Yes you are learning something that you never learned before.

Which is so exciting.  Perhaps you are wanting to learn about finances so much more.

You develop more compassion:

By reading about someone that is less fortionate of you.  Something happen that is within you. Sometime you might want to act on it. Maybe you want to make a difference in someone life as well. You might vocation of reading articles about there are people in Nursing home that want to find someone to talk with.

By reading more and learning about what makes a good novel that will make you laugh or even cry.  But you  feel for someone else .  Even though they are fictional characters as well.  

I am so curious about what does reading mean to you?    Will you let me know in the comments.


  1. I love reading too. You really do learn more when you read any book.

  2. I love that you can travel anywhere you want to go just by picking up a book.

  3. I so agree. Reading is the best and I do it daily.

  4. I loved reading as a kid. It was my daily escape to other places.

  5. I wish that I had more time to read. Here lately it seems that all I do is work.

  6. I love to read too! Reading it's a wonderful way to discover an imaginary and beautiful world!

  7. Monica4/28/2023

    I love reading too. I love picking up a funny light hearted book just to zone out and relax. I also love diving into more in depth stories with strong characters. I love the feeling of missing a book when it's over.

  8. Reading is really a great way to help escape reality, take a break from your life and be someone else for a spell.

  9. I love to read and discover adventured which I image myself in the story as well. It's goes back to when I was an young child. You really learned alot from a book.

  10. I completely agree with you about the benefits of reading. It's such a great way to escape into different worlds and gain new perspectives. I also love how reading can improve your vocabulary and knowledge about different topics.

  11. It sounds like a really good book. This is always something I enjoy reading.

  12. Richelle Milar4/29/2023

    I absolutely agree with this, for me books are like my best friend.

  13. Rose Ann Sales4/29/2023

    One thing I always love to do everyday is reading. It’s like you are in a different time

  14. Learning and compassion are one reason to read, but pure enjoyment is another.

  15. I have always loved reading and so happy that our oldest has a passion for it too.

  16. I absolutely love to read as well. I just wish I could find more time now days to read more like I did when I was younger. I could read many books in weeks, and I love it.

  17. I enjoy reading but I never seem to have the time to do so. I need to try reading 10 minutes or so before bed.

  18. I am so with you and absolutely love to read although lately I have been bad about getting myself lost in a good book. I do love reading and have to make sure I enjoy a good book soon! Nothing better than laying in my hammok with a good book!

  19. nikki wayne8/08/2024

    Reading for me is rest. Whenever I am in a hermit mode, you will find me in my bed and reading a self-help boook.

  20. Lavanda8/08/2024

    I totally relate! Reading is such a magical escape and a way to explore new worlds. Thanks for sharing your love for books!

  21. I can totally relate to reading as a child. I read everywhere we went! Unfortunately, I just don't really have time now, with kids and two jobs! It is a treat to have the time to read a book now.

  22. We really do learn without even realizing it when we're reading. Vocab scores are so low in schools right now and I think that's in large part due to the fact that most students do not elect to read in their free time.

  23. Reading is so magical to be able to explore the new world. Thanks for sharing


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