How do you like me now


She was turning twirty is like musical chairs, when the music stop everyone marriages whomever is sitting on there.  

Still wondering who is Tori Bailey?  About a doubt Tori Baliey is a winner at the game of life.  The author is a staright talking and one of the best selling.  Inspirers  women that are around the world with her self help memiors.

Which she has the perfect relationship to go along with it.   they couldn't beleive that Tori Bailey was living a lie of somekind.   HEr long term boyfriend would not even talk about marriage.  Everyone that is around her is engage or having babies too.

When her best friend Dee along with her plus one the only person that understand all the madness.  All of a sudden has falling in love.  Tori was afraid of being left behind.

So if the world tells you to be one thing and turns thirty with  a loud clicking clock. it does take courage to walk in your own path.   Now it is time for Tori to walk the walk and talk the talk.  But the questin remains is she brave enough to do that. 

I found this novel a blisteringly funny,honest, and so moving as well  with the exploring of love, friendship, with a rollercoaster  of the emtion of the thirtites.

5 stars


  1. This sounds like a good book. I may have to look for it.

  2. Joline5/01/2023

    This sounds like something my sister would enjoy! Looks like a good summer read too.

  3. I've been looking for a new book to read. This one sounds like something I would enjoy! I'm adding it to my list. Thanks for the recommendation.

  4. I always enjoy a funny book. I will keep this one in mind.

  5. Your post gave me a good sense of the book's plot and characters, and I appreciated your honest and relatable perspective on the story. It sounds like a book that I would enjoy reading.

  6. This is a book that I need to read. It sure does sound interesting.

  7. This book sounds fun and relatable. It is nice to have some entertaining reads on my book list.

  8. Monica5/02/2023

    I've been reading a lot of sad stories. I need a change of pace. This one sounds great!

  9. Richelle Milar5/02/2023

    I think it’s time to try a different genre of books. This is perfect I’m surely going to check this out!

  10. This sounds like a great read. I’ll have to add it to my must read list. Thank you for sharing.

  11. Sounds like my daughter's kind of book, I may order this for her since she loves to read these types of stories.

  12. The story is so relatedable I laugh until that I cried when I read this book. I have to add it to my reading list for a second read.

  13. This sounds like a great book, perfect holiday read I think

  14. This is the perfect summer reading! My daughter will love it for sure!

  15. This seems like an interesting piece about feeling left behind while everyone else gets on with their lives. I'll have to add it to the list!

  16. I like that this book is funny. I will have to check it out. -LYNNDEE

  17. Anonymous5/03/2023

    I think I need to read this book, sounds great! Love reading your honest reviews ❤️

    Everything Enchanting :)

  18. It sounds like a really good book. This is always something I enjoy reading.


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