

I could not believe that spencer stole  sister boyfriend.  Aria was heartbroken over the english teacher.  All of this take place in a little town of Rosewood Pennsylviana,  Emily, was like  new best friend Maya.  They are more much then a friend. 

Hannha has this obsession with looking so flawless is Liberally making her sick. Most horrible secrect were is sandalous which could destroy their perfect little life.  There was someone Named "A" was just doing that.

The first thing that they thought A was for allison a friend that vanish three years old.   But Allison turned up dead. Could A be melissa, Is it spencer ultra completative sister?  Does Maya wanting emily to herself? 

So what about the mystery guy that left town right after Allison whent missing.  There was one thing  that was certain. A"s gotten the dirty on them that could  bury them alive.  With every crumpling note along with wiicked Im and the vindictive text messages.

A sending the girls from lossing it all.   Wow  I couldn't believe how good this book was, i can't wait for the next one comes out.  And the story was so addicting. 



  1. It sounds like this is a good book! I can see why you were hooked.

  2. Sounds like a great book. I bet my older grand daughter would like to read this.

  3. This sounds like a great book. I bet my daughter would like it too.

  4. Thanks for sharing this book review. It's always helpful to read reviews before diving into a new book. The way you described the characters and their development throughout the story really piqued my interest. I'm looking forward to checking out "Flawless"!

  5. Monica4/21/2023

    Is this part of the Pretty Little Liars series? I watched the show and was completely addicted!

  6. Sounds like an interesting read and I am always looking for a new good book so thank you for sharing!

  7. I love a good book. This one sounds like something I would like to read!

  8. I love a good and this sounds like the kind of book I would like to read.

  9. This one sounds really good and just up my alley.

  10. Oh my, this is such a great book to read! It has an amazing story and twists it! I just love this kind of genre!

  11. Richelle Milar4/22/2023

    Wow! This looks like a really great book that I need to check out! Thanks for sharing this with us

  12. Ryan Escat4/22/2023

    This looks absolutely great and good book! Cant wait to check this out!

  13. I love when books are easy to read and this sounds to be on of those books!

  14. This sounds like a great book. thanks for sharing this with us.

  15. What a great book this sounds like. I'm looking forward to reading it.

  16. Living the wrong life sounds like an interesting topic to read about. I need to check out this book.


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