The wit and wisdom of bridgerton


Who is Lady Whstledown's?    She is an intelligent writer of the Bridgerton  for the most  prolifie family in the upper echetons of society.  Both  were in deed and word, and now for the first time, the most part.  Which is  gathered  her for the readers pleasure.

From Anothy's arrogance to Hyacinth's Hijinks the family  has for a long time been folder for society gossips.  Which is indeed for the author.   who has come out of retirement to pen thirteen new columns, each more delicious than  the last. 

Whether the topis is love or family, sourtship or competition, you may be assured that the Bridgerton wit and wisdom is on full display with these pages.  The Bridgerton's never paaes up the opportunity to tease and torment anothers, their love and devotion is never in doubt. 

This is why Dear reader you will understad what the rese of the ton already knows there is no one like a Bridgerton.

The live of the society is so wonderful to see, also read all the different quote of there wisdom along with there wit.  And understand the series of book that the author Julia Quinn and written one of the most best seller series of books, That I enjoy to read.

4 Stars


  1. This book sounds so book, I have to pick up a copy . thanks for sharing this with us.

  2. I always hear about the show so I should check out the books. They sound good!

  3. I may need to read this one. I've heard all about the show for this, but never the book. I always love when there is a book that goes along with a movie. I usually try to read those.

  4. Anonymous3/13/2023

    I watched the show and loved it; so I already know I’m going to love this book! I was needing some fresh new reading ideas too, so you posted this at the perfect time! Thanks so much!

    -Whitney Stewart

  5. I loved the Netflix show, and I know the books will be so much better! I can't wait to read them all!

  6. This sounds like an interesting book to read. I’ll have to go see if it’s in the library or at half price books.

  7. Richelle Milar3/14/2023

    Wow! This looks like a really great and interesting book to read! Can’t wait to check this out!

  8. Wow! This book looks great and I am very much interested to know more about this! I'll definitely get my copy! Thanks and a great find!

  9. Monica3/14/2023

    I have only seen the show and loved it! I should read the books too.

  10. I think this would be a good book to read. It's definitely something I'll keep in mind!

  11. I've heard so many interesting things about Julia Quinn that I am so curious to read her books!

  12. The Bridgertons are known for their wit and wisdom, and despite their tendency to tease and torment each other, their love and devotion are never in doubt. Lavanda

  13. This seems like a very interesting read! I'm definitely going to get a copy. Thanks for the recommendation.

  14. Anonymous3/14/2023

    The book sounds like a great read! I've added to my reading list, will check it out for sure 😍.

    Everything Enchanting :)

  15. I have never seen the show. Maybe I'll start with the book then watch the show.

  16. This seems like a good supplementary piece to go along with reading the book or watching the show!

  17. I got rid of Netflix so have not seen anything recent on Bridgerton but I did love the first season! Such a fun series and may have to get Netflix back LOL ;)

  18. I loved the Netflix show. This sounds like a fun book to check out!

  19. Having enjoyed the show, I have considered checking out the books. I now want to more than ever. Thanks for sharing.

  20. Sounds like an interesting read. I will have to add it to my list.


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