five days left


Maria was an successful layer, a devoted wife, and  adoptive other who has recieve some scattering news of her diagnosis. Scot was an middle school teacher that was fostering an eight year old boy, while his mother's was serving a jail sentence.

So Scott and Maria have five days to say good bye to one's they love the most.   Which was through their stories.  The author  explored the limits of humans endurances of the power of relationships.  Showing that by holding on with the love is so important.  And sometime we have to let go from time to time. 

Is an heart wrenching drama about the world in which their is no answers.   The suthor continues to explore what makes a family,  What makes the bond that has been tested and the relationship  we forge change in our lives.  The novel feels the true as life was. 

Scott was having difficulties with his wife along with parneting and have emotinal time with his older children.  But it is a completting novel that is great for a great read in a book club.

It is an amazing story, that I have read.  It made me think of family, and how bonded that we are.  

3. stars


  1. This sounds like a book that will pull on my heart strings! I will have to get it.

  2. This sounds like a good book. I will have to read it.

  3. Anonymous3/15/2023

    This sounds like a book would enjoy. I’ll have to look for it on Amazon or at the library.

  4. Richelle Milar3/16/2023

    Wow! This looks like a really great and interesting book to read! I’m gonna check this out

  5. Rose Ann Sales3/16/2023

    Oh my! This sounds absolutely interesting and nice book, I’m gonna add this on my list

  6. Monica3/16/2023

    I'm adding this to my must read list. It sounds so good!

  7. Stories about the family are always my favorite! It's a must read book!

  8. I think this would be a good book to read. It's definitely something I'll keep in mind!

  9. It sounds like a great book to read. I will have to put it on my reading list. Thanks for sharing this with us.


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