Dreams of my father A stroy of Race and Hertirtance


Is a story of Barack Obama understaing who he is and where does he belong.  At the age of 21 Barack  recieved a call that his father had past away in an traget Car crash.  This stated his journey of  exploring who he is.

Understand where he belong in this world today, what his believe are going to be.  Understanding what his purpose is going to stand for.  He wrote this memior of raw and look into what Barack really is and what his identiy and  how he manages it.

As his father and mother have left him very yearly in his life.    As I was reading this book, I found that my interest of the story was more on a political nature.   As Barack was more like a man. But not as a polician.

As I push through the reading of this book, it was bogging me down in the middle of the story that I started an interested was beginning until the amazing end.  Barack had never met his anut in Kenya.  It was a place that he has never visited. 

Barack continues his story of finding who he was, that lead him back to kenya, He was able to meet his Africian side of his family.  It was more about the people that help him along the way, to understand and learn what an community was all about.

To discover the whole truth about his father.  He was able to travel to conturies understanding the provety and the conflict with the tribal.  As I was reading this story of our 44 th president was elected and he was able to take the time and write an amazing memior of his life to learn more about his ather. 

3 stars


  1. I had no idea that he wrote a book like this! I will definitely put it on my list. It sounds like something I'd enjoy.

  2. I have yet to read this book but I'm super excited to. Love learning about different histories and heritages.

  3. This sounds like a great book. I always love to read about history.

  4. Joline3/29/2023

    I love stories like this. Definitely going to my to-read list.

  5. I may just have to put this one on my reading list. I love to learn more about others and history.

  6. I never heard of this book! This sounds like the next book on my must-read list!

  7. I’ve always wanted to read his book and learn more. I’ll have to go see if the library has it.

  8. Richelle Milar3/30/2023

    Wow! This looks like a really interesting and great book to read. Can’t wait to check this out

  9. This looks like it would be an interesting read, I love memoirs.

  10. Sounds like a wonderful read for sure and appreciate you sharing your thoughts!

  11. I've never heard of this book before. I need to start making time to read again. I have gotten so busy. I'll look into this one.

  12. Monica3/30/2023

    I would love to know more about Obama. I will add this one to my list.

  13. I have never heard about this book, but this sounds like a great one for me to read.

  14. It sounds like a really good book. They're something I enjoy reading.

  15. This is a book that my mother will like! It would be a wonderful gift for Mother's Day!

  16. I love this book, The story was so inspiring and I could not put it down.


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