Bridgerton The Duke and I

 Who holds the title of  Great Britain's  of duke of hasting. As the celebreate the birth of there son, After the struggles with infertity's despite the death of his wife in childbirth.  The Obsession of the duke with the family legacy.

And have high expresstations that ended in tradgey for his son Simon, who shutters. the Duke rejected his son and attempted to deny him of education and the resources.  Simon was proud and self reliant, has decided to reject what his father stands for. 

For the past two years Daphine was looking for her suitable husband to married.  she felt that suitable men view her as a friend, instead of a potiental mate.  Her hope is to be married to someone that is truthly genuine affection for her. 

As she was one of eight children. Daphine was hoping to have children some day.  at the Ball Daphine was taken by men that have proposed to her twice.  when he would not let her alone.  Daphine knock him out.

To only realized that it was Simmon Basset, the new Duke of Hastings has been watching her interaction.  Then Simon realized that is was the sister of Anthony Brigherton. Daphone said  that she heard of Simon wild repution.  So simon and Daphine went back to the ball and dance together.

4 stars


  1. I need to read this series. I always hear about how great the show is!

  2. Joline3/20/2023

    I love the show! Maybe it's time to give the books a try too.

  3. I have seen season 1 of the show and enjoyed it. It sounds like the book is good too!

  4. I've heard so many wonderful things about this show. I need to check out the book. I bet it is a really good one.

  5. My daughter has shown interest in these books, and I can't wait to show her this one!

  6. I had no idea they made a show from this book. I’ll have to read it first so I can compare the two.

  7. This seems like good follow-up filler for the Bridgerton series!

  8. I have never heard about anything like this before! Your sharing of it is greatly appreciated.

  9. Richelle Milar3/21/2023

    My daughter is going to love this book for sure! I’m gonna let her check this out

  10. Monica3/21/2023

    Is the Duke as handsome in the book as he is in the show? I'd love to see how he's described in the book.

  11. This sounds like a nice book for me to read. I will definitely check this out.

  12. Anonymous3/21/2023

    Wow, sounds like a great read! I have heard about the show, didn't watch it though! I'll surely check out this book.

    Everything Enchanting

  13. My mother will adore this book! I think it's the perfect gift for Mother's Day!

  14. Anonymous3/21/2023

    That sounds like an interesting book to read. I'll have to get it soon!

  15. Sounds like a great read and I will have to add this to my wish list for sure to pick up as a new book for the summer! Thank you for sharing your thoughts!

  16. The love story was so beautiful, and how the duke found his soulmate. I love the tv series as well.. It was a book that I could not put down.


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