beautiful outlaw: Experiencing the Playful, Disruptive, Extravagant Personality of Jesus

 I'm not an expert on Relgion or Christanity as well.   I saw this book and I was interested in reading the story.  The review will be written  as a honest review.  

Have you consider reading the gospels without knowing the personality of  Jesus, Like watching television  without the sound being on.  the result is  dry of a stranger doing undecipherable things.  The story of Beautiful Outlaw has removed the varnish to help readers to discover a new insight in the,

humanity of Jesus , As he was abused of  bad company, Being a heavy drinker,  an breaking the law as well. Of being the devil himself.  He was being so complelling and so danagerous that had to kill him. so other were so passionate for him.

HE had a sense of humor, and was generosity  with scandelous.   His anger made his emeries tremble at some point.  He said the most outraeous things,  He was not the person of jesus under the stain glass.  

As the author have discovered the real jesus that everyone is wanting in thier daily lifes.   With all the loving  qualities that are remarkable.

4. stars


  1. Anonymous3/27/2023

    This sounds like a good good! I’m not a religious reader honestly, but I’m willing to try it out! Thanks for sharing!

    -Whitney Stewart

  2. It is always nice to check out different kinds of books and writings, especially when they are thought provoking. This does sound interesting.

  3. I am not religious so I don't believe in jesus, but this still seems like an interesting book to check out!

  4. Sounds like an interesting book. Thank you for the review.

  5. I'm not really much of a religious reader, but sometimes when there is a really good book, I'll check it out. I'll have to share this with some friends who I know would love this.

  6. Jesus became human when he was born. This book might be an interesting read.

  7. This sounds like a great read. I’ll have to read it next. I’m currently in the middle of a book at the moment.

  8. This sounds like an entertaining and informative book for the youth, and those who want to see Jesus in a new light.

  9. Richelle Milar3/28/2023

    This sounds like a really interesting and great book that I need to check out! Thanks for sharing this with us

  10. You made me curious! I would like to gice this book a try!

  11. This does sound like an interesting book. Glad you enjoyed it ;)

  12. This seems like it would be an interesting read and take on what Jesus could have been like outside of being referenced in the Bible, I'd check it out!

  13. Exploring various types of literature and written works is always a pleasure, particularly when they stimulate one's mind. This sounds intriguing, and I'm keen to give it a try.

  14. Yes, I love to explore all I can about Jesus. Happy to see a delve into his personality.

  15. I found the story so interesting that has stimulated my mind to thing about how jesus come into my life as well.


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