The Light we carry overcoming in uncertain times


Our former First laby Michelle Obama shares her wisdom an powerful strategies for staying hopeful and balances in today uncertain world we live in.  There are no tidy solutions or pitty answers for big life challenges.

It is ok  to recongnizes that self worth  comes wrapped in vulnerability , and what we share as humans  on this earth is the impulse to strive to do better, always and no natter what.. We become an bolder  in the brightness.  If you know your light.

An you now yourself,  Honesty your know your own story way.   This type of  self- knowledge builds  the confidence. so in turn breeds  calmness and ability to mantain your prespective which lead,  To be able to connect in a meaningful way.

the bedrock of all things, which one hands feeds the other. with one strong family lends the strength into more.  One engaged community can ignite those around it.  this is the power of the light we carry. How we can build relationships.

And discover the deepest truths and new pathway for prossess.  She had to adapted  with all the roles that she carried How she over come all the obstatic and earn the wisdom that help her to become .

3 stars


  1. Such great insight. It made me think for sure.

  2. such an inspiring message That has me thinking in what I need to change in my life. Thanks for sharing this with us.

  3. I think this looks like it would be an inspiring read.

  4. Richelle Milar2/12/2023

    This looks like a really great and interesting read. Can’t wait to check this out!

  5. I got her first book. I need to grab me a copy of this. -LYNNDEE

  6. I am impressed of her journey and I would like to read her book!

  7. Must grab a copy of this book! Thank you for the recommendation!

  8. This was truly an amazing book. I love the honesty and vulnerability, it inspires.

  9. Your words about the interconnection between self-knowledge, confidence, and meaningful connections are especially poignant, highlighting the importance of understanding our own stories in order to grow and connect with others.

  10. I haven't read her book yet. It would be interesting to learn about her in more detail, especially during the time they were at the White House.


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