Sweet tomorrow


 An inspiring Novel of letting go  of the fear, by following your heart,and embrace your furture. As  Mark had to live Cedar Cove abruply, He was on a mission to correct the young of a women in his past. As he already comfessed his love to her. The innkeeper Joe wasn't shure Mark was coming back.

Rose Harbor doesn't seem the same since Mark was gone.  Jo  can't bear her loosing herself in the grief. She was determin  to move forward. She has started dating againand finds companionship when she take in boarders who is starting a new chapter in their life. 

As Emily was overcoming a broken heart. She is a young teacher that was staying at the inn in search of her new home that she was looking for.  Since she has given up her marriage, Emily had a dream of aboting a child some day.

She had her eye on a home with room for children. As she inquired about the home which was rebuffed. As she had a rocking start with the ower  then became friends. So when the relationship had blossom into something more. 

emily had to rethink what she was wanting and chances that she would take. Inn seems to be a magical places  again. Emily had open up to love again, until jo movedd on,  untile jo recieved some shocking news.

It seemslike the characters are charming and  wisdom and bring to a close the journey of chershing old friends. The author had created an enhancing placed that they storyline comes from. 

4 stars


  1. This sounds like an interesting book. Not necessarily my cup of tea though.

  2. I think I'd enjoy this one. I swear I've read other books by this author and liked them.

  3. This sounds like a lovely story with a twist of love and friendship.

  4. Richelle Milar1/12/2023

    This sounds like a really great and interesting book to read. Can’t wait to check this out!

  5. I love optimistic stories that teach us a lot and give good energy!

  6. This seems like a book my mom will love, I'll recommend it to her.

  7. This looks like an amazing book to read, especially for people who want to change and be the better version of themselves. Love to get my copy too!

  8. This seems like it could be an interesting enough read, might add it to the book-it list.

  9. This is another great book, I will have to read it.

  10. Anonymous1/13/2023

    Sounds like a lovely book!I'd love to give it a read :) Great review!

    Everything Enchanting ❤️

  11. This sounds like a great book to read. I'll have to pick up a copy of it next time I'm at the library.


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