Good Hair

 An Newyork  Girl Meets an Upper  Crust Boston Boy sparks Fly,  thier Background clashed as readers entering into  a rarely observed African American life  that was glamourous, Romantic, funny, debut of a novel, the former of the arts and editior of the Essence Magazine.

She tried to forget the smooth talking investment banker that she though was mr right. So when she finally met Jack a handsome thrid generation harvard Educated Doctor it seemslike everything was going into place.

There Romance was growing so breautifuly, As the relationship  gets more serious. Thierdivergent upbring came to the surface. Will they move past it? or would they get trap in there expectating of thier different words. 

It is a beautiful look of the upper class. 

So amussing to me  Because it was so funny I laugh all the through the pages of the story.  Which was so entertaining read that I couldn't put it down. If you are in love or wanting to be in love and has been in love.

Have been dreaming of stepping out of the class and have to believe of all the possiblies that will arise. 

4 stars.


  1. This book sounds so good for a beach day read. I laugh all the way throught it.

  2. What an interesting title. I might just enjoy reading this.

  3. Richelle Milar1/14/2023

    Wow! This looks like a really great and interesting book to read!

  4. This sounds like a nice book and very pleasant to read!

  5. Sounds like another fun romance, I'll add it to the list!

  6. I love books that make the emotions come out. I may add this to my reading list.

  7. Oh this sounds like such a good book! I definitely will check it out.

  8. I've been wanting to read a romance novel. This sounds good. -LYNNDEE


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