The Last time I saw you


 It is a Beautiful novel about men and women reconneting with one another.  And Themselves even at their fortieth highschool reunion. The Reunion means something different a last oppertunity to say something that you haven't said in a long time. 

Escaping from the reality of everyday life.A means of saving their rock marriage, having the oppertunity to stand time with their estrange daughter.  If it something over mother is going to be wearing. 

Asone time everyone is meeting up for the reunion on the entire weekend.  They discover things that make an impact of there daiy lives.  Even for Dorothy a newly divorced, and the reunion had the meaning for her to attracted the hearthob,of her class.

Peter for ever self-Ralient every left out Mary Alice to take the time to examine pieces of there painful past.  Lester  the vet along with his widow are looking forward in talking with other vets and that what he things for himself. 

Candy a class beauty  is hoping to finding friendship before it is to late.  As they converg for dinner it has melted four years away. Desires and personalities from  their youth reemerge with new discoveries are being made.

There was so many thing happing to them, and still more to come.  It is such a beautiful novel that the author has written, it weaves the roads taken and the road that wasn't taken.  Choices that were taken and miss oppertunities with the prossible second chance.  

3 Stars


  1. I have read other books by this author and enjoyed them. This one sounds really good!

  2. This sounds like a good book for my daughter. She would love reading this.

  3. Sounds like an interesting read! This is the type of book 📕 my sister would love to read

  4. This sounds good. I had my 20 year high school reunion and barely talked to anyone.

  5. Sounds like it would be a great book to get into.

  6. Sounds like a wonderful read! I am always looking for a new good book to read and I may have to pick this one up ;) Thank you!

  7. This is the kind of thing my sister likes to read. Another great recommendation!

  8. Sounds like a great book! I'm not usually one for this type of book but it sounds good.

  9. This is a very good book. I haven't been to my high school reunion for many years now. Sometime I wonder what are my classmate up to these day. That is what the story reminded me of.

  10. It's always good when there is a second chance. I like a good book.

  11. This book sounds like my kind of novel to read. I must grab me a copy.

  12. Richelle Milar12/21/2022

    This looks like a really great and interesting book to read! Thanks for sharing this with us!

  13. Rose Ann Sales12/21/2022

    What a really interesting book you have here! Can’t wait to check this out!

  14. This sounds like a nice novel to read during the winter vacation!

  15. This is interesting and very timely since I am almost finished reading my book. Looking forward to getting a copy. This is going to be my first Elizabeth Berg novel. :)

  16. This is an interesting book. Many people get married after a reunion.


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