Gay men Don't get fat


Do straight people know how many calorious in in Guacamole? But the author knows what goes in fashion.  The chosen one are the Gay's.  It is so hilious discourse on the guide to a well- lived life. He goes behond like the French.

As he proveds that Gay men are like French Woman with the delight of french fashion. thier Billiant eye for decor, and the associates to go along with it.  To limited there calories intake.  They are like Guui -wearing Margaret Meads at heart.

He offers his own limitable life Exsperiences n uncanning  insight into gay people drives to life there everyday life feeling their best. To prove that they have as much and possibly wisdom, advice, inspriation, beyond there old diet and excerise tips.

So put down the bag of pirate booty and pick up a fierce and fablious book. the ultimate approach to the glamourious lifestyle plus you are guaranteed to laugh those pounds away.

As I was reading the story, I was thinking about the all the different fad diets that are out there.  I couldn't figure out what the plot of the story was.  But I got a good laught out of it.  

3 stars


  1. Anonymous12/15/2022

    This book sounds delightful! I’ve been needing some good heartfelt/humorous reads to kick off the new year. So you can be sure I’ll be picking this one up the next time I’m at Barnes & Noble!

    -Whitney Stewart

  2. Sounds like an interesting read! I wish I had that same problem in the title, minus the man part! :)

  3. This sounds like a good book to read. I was amused by the title!

  4. This sounds like a cute book. I may want to read this.

  5. I get annoyed by all the fad diets out there! There's just too many in my opinion.

  6. Does sound like an interesting feed. Who wouldn't want to get fat.

  7. Looks like an interesting book. Looking forward to check it out soon.

  8. The title of this book got me to take a look. I like that it can help someone learn about fad diets.

  9. Richelle Milar12/16/2022

    Wow! This looks like a really great and amazing book to read. So interesting can’t wait to check this out!

  10. Anonymous12/16/2022

    So many fad diets out there unfortunately. This is interesting for sure!

  11. Glad you found a book to evoke some giggles. Life's too short not to laugh.

  12. melissa chapman12/17/2022

    this book is right up my alley! i'm always counting my calories!! can't wait to check it out!

  13. This book sounds so interesting but it was hard to understand the plot of the story talking about fad diets that really make me laugh as i was reading it.

  14. Seems like a book where fashion and comedy come together.

  15. By the title alone, I thought it would be an odd book to read. It does sound interesting. I'm always up for a good laugh.


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