The nest

Can leo  get the Plumbs out of this mess? He always could get the out of it before? Or the plumb siblings have to do it without the money and the future  lives they've envisioned?

The siblings grapple with the family tension, with the old historiesand have significant emotion and the financial cost of the accident. Sweeney indtroduces an unfortionate of supportive cast.  Leo stalwart ex-girlfriends have thought about it.  An maybe, as he was capable of changing. 

So the waitress that was injuryed in the accident and the Iraq war vet has fallen in love with her.  A grieving Firefrighter that as a very big secret.

four siblings were at different places in there lives, They all believed that money will solve all their problems. It was brought to light  when Leo accident  It would an month before they would recieve it. 

It was funny with alot of tenderness and well written. the nest explouse money within a relationship and how  there amibtion of their lives, and the fraught but unbreakaful ties we have in our family.

I had a hard time putting this book down.  The storyline was so interesting to read. And I could relate to the characters, I would recommend it for your next read. 

I really enjoyed it. 

4 stars


  1. This one sounds good even though it's not my normal read. I'm adding this to my reading list.

  2. This sounds like my kind of book. I love books that explore the family dynamic

  3. I was just looking for a new selection of books to read for December. I may add this to my list. Thank you for the review and recommendation.

  4. This sounds like such a great read! Will have to check this one out!

  5. I love a book that you can hardly put down. This sounds like one of those.

  6. This sounds like a good book, which I loved the story and I couldn't put it down. thanks for sharing this with us.

  7. That sounds like an interesting read to add to my reading list. Thanks for sharing this with us.


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