The Color Purple

This book I have read a long time ago, I was amazed on how  Masic women  who fell in love with eachother, The men that abused them, and the children they care for. 

As the first letter was written to Celie tells god that she was raped by her father and she got pregent with her second time with his child.  She realized that Celie mother was very ill, as she cruised Celie, Her death has left her alone with her father .

The Celie turns her attention on protecting her sister Nellie.  From the sexual 's advance from her father.  Soon Celie was going to marry Mr. Later in the story he was called Albert.  After Her father and Mr Ablert had set a bargain with the older widower, Celie  found herself in a loveliness marriage.

She was caring for her husband's along with her 4 children and being regularly beaten and raped, As celie Begain to care for Shaug Avey a Glamous singer who was her husband mistressed. Later on Celie have taken responsibilty for  caring for Shaug Avey back to health.

Which begain a  lifetime friendship and love between two women. As Celie older child harper had married an independent woman Sofia soon after Celie had encourage Harper to beaten Sofia to submission. Just like all men have done to Celie.

Late Sofia had conforted Celie on the betryal But the conforation had become a bond of sisterhood that was deep. Sofia remained an independent , strong women thought the whole story.  Can a black women come together to a similiar useful bond. 

As Sofia has punched the white mayor and was arrested and sentenced to prision that has snaped her independent value.  So in the mean time Harpo and Sofia have taken other lovers.  As they both have split up frome eachother.

So in woman that was in sofia life have taken her out of jail.  As the alliance between Shaug, Celie, sofia sister along with Squeek, Harper Mistress were tring to help sofia.

It was an amazing story that I could not put down, I could feel for the characters in the story which reminded me of my situation.   I love it  and I could read it again and again.  

4 atars.


  1. I remember reading this book ages ago and liking it. I need to read it again!

  2. I remember how good the movie adaptation was, and I'm sure the source material will be even better!

  3. This sounds like a really good book to read. I surprised I haven't read this one yet. I'm going to add it to my list.

  4. Wow, this really takes me back. I remember seeing the movie many years ago, but I don't remember it particularly well. It would be fun to reread the book and watch the movie.

  5. I loved the movie. Now I need to read the book.

  6. I keep hearing about this book. I believe Oprah liked it too. I'll have to read it sometime!

  7. Richelle Milar11/22/2022

    This sounds like a really great and interesting book to read! Can’t wait to check this out!

  8. This book would be a perfect Christmas book. I know someone that will like it!

  9. This sounds like a great book to read. I'll have to add it to my reading list. I love a book that is hard to put down.

  10. Monica Simpson11/22/2022

    I've never read this book even though I know it's such a classic. I should!

  11. It's been a long time since I read this book. I need to re-read it!

  12. I love this book. I need to get another copy as mine has disappeared.

  13. I have yet to read this one! Such a great reminder to check it out! Thank you so much for sharing!

  14. I can't believe I've never read this book. I will be adding it to the reading list to change that

  15. I loved the movie when I had the oppertunity to pick up a copy of the book I couldn't put it down. The story that Loved.

  16. This is a book I've always meant to revisit, reading your review reminded me of this.

  17. This is a classic that has long been on my list and you have reminded me that I truly need to read it. Thank you for that.

  18. Anonymous11/22/2022

    Great review! I don't think I can read this book! I wouldn't watch the movie too. I feel like I'll definitely cry watching/reading the book.

    Everything Enchanting

  19. I've seen the movie but haven't read the book yet. I'd like to get a copy.

  20. man, i haven't read this in ages. i remember loving reading it though. def makes me want to read it again.

  21. I saw the movie and loved it, so the book sounds so good. Added it to my reading list. thanks for sharing

  22. I've never read this one, but I'd love to. I have heard this is a really good book.

  23. I have never read the book or watched the movie. Sounds very interesting. I'll look for it in a bookstore in my city.

  24. Thank you for sharing your insights on The Color Purple by Alice Walker! Your review brought back memories of reading it for the first time years ago.


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