Spencer Mountain


In the Classic searies that inspired the television show of the Walton's Mountain. It is about a Father  struggling to support of a large family in the Depression-Era of Virginia.  For generation of the Spenser  lived on a mountian  still bears their name of Blue Hills of Virginia. 

The hard time haven't change for many years now.  An Clay Spencer worked in a loval mill in Ne Dominion and lived with his family in housing that was providing by the company.  But the proud Patrich always dreaned on building their dream home in the hill.

He would do whatever it takes to give his children everything as possible. An given them the best live as possible.  Even his first born Clay-boy. Clay -boy was one of the first one of the family to graduate from High school. 

Clay-boy always wanted to go to college, But the cost of Higher Education was something of a surprises to spencer to bear.  It wasn't easy for his father was so deterred to do his best.  But every cornor trails, along with tragedy.

To help his first born chersh his dream. Clay was  forced on the sacifices that could impact the future of the Spencers glan.

Spenser Mountain is a moving classic that celebrates family love and commitment in facing the overwhelming odd's that come up.  The Walton's series is one of my favorite tv show. that I can relate too.  Understanding what family go through is something that is special for me.  

4 stars


  1. One of my favorite stories that has a lot of meaning to me. I watched to tv show But I haven't read the book. I must check it. thanks for sharing this with us.

  2. I love the T.V. show so I guess I would enjoy the books too. I'll look into these for my reading list.

  3. I'm wondering if you are talking about The Waltons like John Boy the Waltons. I liked that show growing up.

  4. Richelle Milar11/28/2022

    I haven’t watched this yet! Can’t wait to check this out! Sounds like a really great book!

  5. How interesting. I had no idea that there was a book series behind the TV show. I grew up on the Waltons so I am sure I would love the book, as well.

  6. I remember my mother telling me that Spencer's Mountain was the precursor to The Waltons. It's a show I really enjoyed growing up.

  7. I haven't heard of this before. Sounds like an interesting story and show.


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