Sex in the city

 The Author introduce us to  four women that travel in a pack to clubs, bars, from a party. Meeting Carrie she was an young writer that was looking for love in all the wrong places. Then there was Mr. Big a business tycoon that goes from one relationship to another. 

Samantha Jones was a fortyish, an successful testosterone women, she uses sex just like a man. not to mention a psycho mom, Bicycle babe, with the international crazed girls along with the rest of New York, who have inspire us to watch the tv series on our own time. 

The story draw you in  to two individuals from Manhattan who have dated and have broken up. A women who fell in love with a man seemly just disappears. When Carrie had  to break it to the poor women that dating in Manhattan typically never ending.

Carrie continue  with tell the first person that dating and relationship aren't what they use to be.  She was left with constantly in doubt why certain things go awry in there friends relationships even in her relationship too.  Carrie founds herself in a relationship with a perfect man for her. Mr. Big is everything that Carrie was wanting in a man.

What she found out that it was an illusion that she created.  Mr. big was real person, But Carrie is still blinded by her vision of a perfect man.  But the Carrie realized that Mr. B. wasn't perfect and they go through some beautiful moment through out the story.

I love the story the reason is that it is so relatable too.  Many women that are single go through the same problems just like the character in the story and their friends. 

4 stars


  1. That sounds like a great book!! I forget about the days being single. Even now, being married for 22 years, there are still nights you need to go out with just the girls. :)

  2. Anonymous11/23/2022

    I’ve always been curious about the tv show; but I may have to read the book first! I didn’t even realize there was one! Thank u for the recommendation!

    -Whitney Stewart

  3. I loved watching this show, so I bet the book is great as well. I'm definitely going to be checking this out soon. I can't wait to read it.

  4. Monica Simpson11/23/2022

    I've never read the book or watched the series. I can see why it has such a huge following though!

  5. So is that what the show is based off of? Very interesting!

  6. I knew this was a popular show, but I did not know that it was based on a book!

  7. I didn't even know this series started as a book!

  8. I love it what a great story that I could relate too. I couldn't put it down.

  9. I have never seen the show. I know the characters though, just because it was so wildly popular.

  10. I know the story and I love it! Must have the book!

  11. You learn something new every day! I really enjoyed the series.

  12. I enjoyed this show a lot when it was out years ago. I did nt realize there was a book. Very cool and may have to check it out as the book is always better than the how or movie.

  13. I have never watched this show. When it came out I was too young and then never really went back to it. It's epic for a reason though.


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